Commodity Risk Control# Business - 商学院
请 版 上 牛 人 帮 我 看 看 , 一 个 大 食 品 公 司 的 risk control analyst
position 要 和 以 下 人 士 各 谈 半 小 时:
1.Dir Risk Control
2.Dir Fundamental & Quantitative Analyst
3.Controller Commodity Trading/Risk Mgmt
4.RP Asst Treasurer
5.VP Input Exposure Mgmt Desk
不 太 了 解 这 五 个 title 各 是 负 责 哪 方 面 业 务 ? 应 该 恶 补 哪 些
finance 方 面 的 知 识 ? 谢 谢 各 位 了 !

I do not need to say anything about first one. Quants in trading control are
people from Math background, dealing with VaR and other models. Quants are
dealing with lots, lots of stuff. Depends on company, they may also need to
do the trading support, too, not only risk control. Controllers are those
coordinators. Those people are also possible to be inside auditors. They are
going to talk with brokers, traders, making sure the swaps, futures those
stuff. Treasurers are people who make sure the

【在 A********t 的大作中提到】
: 请 版 上 牛 人 帮 我 看 看 , 一 个 大 食 品 公 司 的 risk control analyst
: position 要 和 以 下 人 士 各 谈 半 小 时:
: 1.Dir Risk Control
: 2.Dir Fundamental & Quantitative Analyst
: 3.Controller Commodity Trading/Risk Mgmt
: 4.RP Asst Treasurer
: 5.VP Input Exposure Mgmt Desk
: 不 太 了 解 这 五 个 title 各 是 负 责 哪 方 面 业 务 ? 应 该 恶 补 哪 些
: finance 方 面 的 知 识 ? 谢 谢 各 位 了 !

Thank you so much!
M it!


【在 A*L 的大作中提到】
: I do not need to say anything about first one. Quants in trading control are
: people from Math background, dealing with VaR and other models. Quants are
: dealing with lots, lots of stuff. Depends on company, they may also need to
: do the trading support, too, not only risk control. Controllers are those
: coordinators. Those people are also possible to be inside auditors. They are
: going to talk with brokers, traders, making sure the swaps, futures those
: stuff. Treasurers are people who make sure the

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