投稿Wiley的问题# Chemistry - 化学
Two Post-doc Positions in Molecular Spectroscopy at the University of
Louisville and the Ohio State University.
Two post-doctoral positions in experimental and theoretical molecular
spectroscopy are available in the research groups of Prof. Jinjun Liu at the
University of Louisville (UofL) and Prof. Terry A. Miller at the Ohio State
University (OSU), respectively.
1. Post-doc position at UofL:
The first position is presently available in the laboratory of Dr. Jinjun
Liu https://sites.google.com/site/uofllaserlabs/home in the Department of
Chemistry at the University of Louisville. The research involves
implementation of cavity ring-down spectroscopy (CRDS) of free radicals with
significance in atmospheric chemistry and in combustion. The high-
resolution spectroscopy lab in the Liu Group is equipped with YAG lasers,
excimer lasers, pulsed dye lasers, tunable continuous-wave laser (both dye
and Ti:Sapphire), and laser amplifiers. It currently has a room-temperature
dual-wavelength CRDS system, a slit-nozzle jet-cooled CRDS system, as well
as a laser-induced fluorescence/dispersed fluorescence spectroscopy
apparatus for investigation of free radicals produced by laser photolysis,
laser ablation, discharge, or pyrolysis. The experimental works in the lab
are supplemented by extensive computational and theoretical works to provide
supporting information from electronic structure calculations, to simulate
the experimentally obtained spectra with vibronic and rotational resolution,
and to give the physical interpretation of the spectroscopic results. Close
collaboration with the research group of Prof. Miller at OSU is expected (
vide infra). The first target molecules include the nitrate radical (NO3)
with emphasis on magnetic dipole transitions, the methoxymethyl peroxy
radical (CH3OCH2OO), and hydroperoxyalkyl (QOOH) radicals.
Well qualified candidates with knowledge and experience in experimental
molecular spectroscopy are invited to apply directly to Dr. Liu ([email protected]
louisville.edu). Please send a CV including research experience, list of
publications, and two potential references. Previous hands-on experience in
laser systems, optics, vacuum, detection and data acquisition, and laser
spectroscopy techniques is necessary. Preference is given to candidates with
experience of jet-cooled CRDS. Knowledge and experience in computational
chemistry, spectroscopic modelling, and instrumental programming (LabVIEW)
is a plus.
The initial contract is for one year, renewable for a second year based on
performance. Salary is commensurate with experience and qualifications.
2. Post-doc position at OSU:
The post-doctoral position at Ohio State University will focus on the
development of new spectroscopic models with applications to free radical
spectra, both ones already obtained at OSU and ones to be recorded at the
University of Louisville. The focus will be on spectral effects caused by
the breakdown of the Born-Oppenheimer (BO) approximation due to coupling of
the rotational, vibration, and electronic degrees of freedom. Such
interactions frequently are observed in the spectral of free radicals,
particularly ones that exhibit Jahn-Teller or pseudo-Jahn-Teller effects, e.
g. NO3, CH3O, CH2DO, (CH3)2CHO, etc. These developments will be incorporated
in the existing software programs, SOCJT2 and SpecView for the analysis of
vibronic and rovibronic spectra, respectively. Additional areas where BO
breakdown may be important include strong-field imaging of radical cations
like CH3X+(X=F, Cl, Br, I). Collaboration with the ongoing work in L.
DiMauro atto-second lab will provide close interaction between theory and
experiment. An opportunity will also be available to participate in the on-
going CRD spectroscopy at OSU of free radicals in plasma environments.
Well qualified candidates with knowledge and experience in theoretical (
experimental experience a plus) molecular spectroscopy are invited to apply
directly to Dr. Terry A. Miller ([email protected]/* */). Please send a CV
including research experience, list of publications, and two potential
references. Knowledge and experience in electronic structure calculations,
spectroscopic modelling and programming are necessary.
The initial appointment is for one year, renewable for a second year based
on performance and mutual agreement. Salary is commensurate with experience
and qualifications.
For questions and applications, please contact:
Prof. Terry A. Miller ([email protected]/* */);
Prof. Jinjun Liu ([email protected]/* */).
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: 谢谢


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