【 以下文字转载自 Texas 讨论区 】
发信人: chooyu (卓奥友), 信区: Texas
标 题: Re: 一直纳闷为啥ipad还能卖得火
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Thu Mar 3 20:03:36 2011, 美东)
1. 懒: laptop可没这么方便开关,我这人脾气急,laptop startup那会儿功夫我已经失
2. 还是懒: 真的很方便,晚上想不看了随手一扔就睡了,早上一按又开了.laptop不可能
3. 就是懒: 非常能体会apple有个产品设计的总结"世界在你手中",无论surfing还是其
4. 只有懒: 我买的32G的,当初就预计16G不会够用. 今天看了一下,目前为止700首歌,8600张高
清(1280X960)照片, 从产品到我拍着玩儿的. 700本PDF, 从二十五史全套到TOP 20 OF
AMAZON, thanks to verycd...
6. 懒到家: 你说的position问题,我觉得恰恰是ipad 优点,你想正着反着倒立着打滚儿着看我不信laptop能那么配合你. 除非tablet,可有哪个tablet 屏幕看着比ipad舒服又轻便呢.
7. 没懒够: 没什么能用来做开发的工具.
其实我以前是苹果仇恨者,那破键盘我就用不习惯,和PC的总差一键,买ipad 纯粹为了给
客户展示产品方便+我自己大量书刊收藏. 最后一发不可收拾,才买了iphone.
Basically, I think of PhDs as mostly falling into one of three categories:
1. Lifestyle PhDs. These include math, literature and the humanities,
theoretical physics, history, many social sciences, and the arts. These are
PhDs you do because you really, really, really love just sitting and
thinking about stuff. You work on your own interests, at your own pace. If
you want to be a poor bohemian scholar who lives a pure “life of the mind,
” these PhDs are for you. I totally respect people who intentionally choose
this lifestyle; I’d be pretty happy doing it myself, I think. Don’t
expect to get a job in your field when you graduate, though.
2. Lab science PhDs. These include biology, chemistry, neuroscience,
electrical engineering, etc. These are PhDs you do because you’re either a
suicidal fool or an incomprehensible sociopath. They mainly involve utterly
brutal hours slaving away in a laboratory on someone else’s project for
your entire late 20s, followed by years of postdoc hell for your early 30s,
with a low percentage chance of a tenure-track faculty position. To find
what these PhD programs are like, read this blog post.
If you are considering getting a lab science PhD, please immediately hit
yourself in the face with a brick. Now you know what it’s like.
3. PhDs that work. I’m not exactly sure which PhDs fall into this category,
but my guess is that it includes marketing, applied math and statistics,
finance, computer science, accounting, economics, and management.
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