a question about MPI急问,网络图论问题!!!Vi看来不是很适合编辑Fortran程序啊,不如emacs!我也及问一个问题Anyone works on Adaptive Mesh Refinement?怎么表示小数点后长度为200的小数呀?Run a Mathematica script(notebook?) in background什么时候盖了?[转载] 求一个方程的解析解稀疏矩阵压缩直接用NR的源程序需要注意什么吗?MONTE CARLO METHOD QUESTIONwho has experience of OMP?Re: pls help a list of optimization methods哪位有multiple righthand sides conjugate gradient[转载] 扔硬币的问题How to constrain the solution to be positive?[转载] re:How to check the stack-size?[转载] A childish question about reliability (alpha)恭喜升级