CREST促销时被CUT掉的一个ACCIDENT# CouchPotato - 美国电视
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Crest stunt, down the tubes
When Crest toothpaste teamed up with the cast of "The Apprentice 2" for a
promotional stunt on Tuesday, it was supposed to be a marketing coup for the
corporate dental-care giant.
But instead, the action in Washington Square Park, where Donald Trump had
assigned contestants to hawk tubes of the new Crest Whitening Expressions
Refreshing Vanilla Mint, in scratch-and-sniff boxes, descended rapidly into
street theater.
It was, in fact, a disturbing and unnerving scene no
When Crest toothpaste teamed up with the cast of "The Apprentice 2" for a
promotional stunt on Tuesday, it was supposed to be a marketing coup for the
corporate dental-care giant.
But instead, the action in Washington Square Park, where Donald Trump had
assigned contestants to hawk tubes of the new Crest Whitening Expressions
Refreshing Vanilla Mint, in scratch-and-sniff boxes, descended rapidly into
street theater.
It was, in fact, a disturbing and unnerving scene no