请大家启蒙一下判断音乐快慢的专业词汇# Dance - 轻舞飞扬
我要选一首cha cha的曲子。 现有的是Julio Iglesias的Gozar La Vida。 觉得稍微有点
快, 没有足够的时间表现细节的味道 (esp. the two turns I need to make on 2 and 3
almost kill me)。 大家是不是数一分钟有多少小节(小节 means 23cha cha cha/2341
)? 一般怎么专业地描绘音乐快慢?
are the turns natural or reverse?

if you do a back lock starting from left foot, on 1 you'll end up with left
i'm confused why you said it's right foot step back on 1

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: 我要选一首cha cha的曲子。 现有的是Julio Iglesias的Gozar La Vida。 觉得稍微有点
: 快, 没有足够的时间表现细节的味道 (esp. the two turns I need to make on 2 and 3
: almost kill me)。 大家是不是数一分钟有多少小节(小节 means 23cha cha cha/2341
: )? 一般怎么专业地描绘音乐快慢?
: 谢谢!

do you turn to the right or turn to the left

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: 我要选一首cha cha的曲子。 现有的是Julio Iglesias的Gozar La Vida。 觉得稍微有点
: 快, 没有足够的时间表现细节的味道 (esp. the two turns I need to make on 2 and 3
: almost kill me)。 大家是不是数一分钟有多少小节(小节 means 23cha cha cha/2341
: )? 一般怎么专业地描绘音乐快慢?
: 谢谢!

Thanks much Musique. I just counted, the song I have is about 31 MPM, so it
should be perfect. That means i need to work on making turns, two full turns
on 2 and 3...

【在 M*****e 的大作中提到】
: do you turn to the right or turn to the left
aurae, I think your routine is too fast. How are you doing the two turns?
There are two ways that you can do two turns: one way is to spin on one foot
for a double turn (like how Benji does it), or you can do the regular latin
spin turns (what they call chainee turns in the dance industry). If you are
doing the two latin spin turns, then you need to take 5 steps. How can you do
all of that just on 2 AND 3? 2 AND 3 is really just one count (you start on 2
and finish on 3), and regardless of what

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: Thanks much Musique. I just counted, the song I have is about 31 MPM, so it
: should be perfect. That means i need to work on making turns, two full turns
: on 2 and 3...

chernobyl, I think in cha cha, one measure/bar has 4 counts: 2, 3, cha cha, 1.
So 2 and 3 are two counts (not one, right?). What i need to do are, assuming
i face north:
- on 2, left foot steps out and turns 180degree to south; at the same time,
closes right foot to left foot and transfers weight to right foot; quickly
left foot steps out to get ready for the next turn.
- on 3, start from left foot, turn 360degree to south.
- on 4, left foot steps backward to cha cha steps
- on 1, right foot ste

【在 c*******l 的大作中提到】
: aurae, I think your routine is too fast. How are you doing the two turns?
: There are two ways that you can do two turns: one way is to spin on one foot
: for a double turn (like how Benji does it), or you can do the regular latin
: spin turns (what they call chainee turns in the dance industry). If you are
: doing the two latin spin turns, then you need to take 5 steps. How can you do
: all of that just on 2 AND 3? 2 AND 3 is really just one count (you start on 2
: and finish on 3), and regardless of what

for chacha, MPM (measure/bar per mimute) should be 30


【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: 我要选一首cha cha的曲子。 现有的是Julio Iglesias的Gozar La Vida。 觉得稍微有点
: 快, 没有足够的时间表现细节的味道 (esp. the two turns I need to make on 2 and 3
: almost kill me)。 大家是不是数一分钟有多少小节(小节 means 23cha cha cha/2341
: )? 一般怎么专业地描绘音乐快慢?
: 谢谢!

I was mistaken about the names. Right, the reverse turn.
Oh I'd be very happy if I did the choreography myself :) It doesn't mean I
cannot, but it was from my teacher. I am practicing a two-minute chacha piece
with my teacher to showcase it at a studio event in the suburb - yeah I
switched from rumba to chacha in my privates; to recover all my dance
sensation, it is better to start from a fast dance than a slow one.
Maybe, I didn't describe the turns in the right way. Let me digest your post
and think...

【在 c*******l 的大作中提到】
: aurae, I think your routine is too fast. How are you doing the two turns?
: There are two ways that you can do two turns: one way is to spin on one foot
: for a double turn (like how Benji does it), or you can do the regular latin
: spin turns (what they call chainee turns in the dance industry). If you are
: doing the two latin spin turns, then you need to take 5 steps. How can you do
: all of that just on 2 AND 3? 2 AND 3 is really just one count (you start on 2
: and finish on 3), and regardless of what

do you turn to the right or turn to the left

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: Oh I'd be very happy if I did the choreography myself :) It doesn't mean I
: cannot, but it was from my teacher. I am practicing a two-minute chacha piece
: with my teacher to showcase it at a studio event in the suburb - yeah I
: switched from rumba to chacha in my privates; to recover all my dance
: sensation, it is better to start from a fast dance than a slow one.
: Maybe, I didn't describe the turns in the right way. Let me digest your post
: and think...

Ha! I know you are a youtube-maniac ;)
I haven't touched the dance floor for two years; I just pick this as a good
short-term goal to recover myself. It is not a very serious occasion but it is
not casual dancing. I'll see if it will be good enough to post, hehe.
Have you guys posted anything from yourselves there? Any links? (secretly i
will use that to judge if mine will be posted or not ;)

【在 M*****e 的大作中提到】
: do you turn to the right or turn to the left
Can you explain - what's difference between them?

【在 M*****e 的大作中提到】
: are the turns natural or reverse?
: 1.
: assuming
: if you do a back lock starting from left foot, on 1 you'll end up with left
: foot
: i'm confused why you said it's right foot step back on 1
: just

are the turns natural or reverse?

if you do a back lock starting from left foot, on 1 you'll end up with left
i'm confused why you said it's right foot step back on 1

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: chernobyl, I think in cha cha, one measure/bar has 4 counts: 2, 3, cha cha, 1.
: So 2 and 3 are two counts (not one, right?). What i need to do are, assuming
: i face north:
: - on 2, left foot steps out and turns 180degree to south; at the same time,
: closes right foot to left foot and transfers weight to right foot; quickly
: left foot steps out to get ready for the next turn.
: - on 3, start from left foot, turn 360degree to south.
: - on 4, left foot steps backward to cha cha steps
: - on 1, right foot ste

I am guessing you meant reverse turn?

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: Can you explain - what's difference between them?
aurae, I think your routine is too fast. How are you doing the two turns?
There are two ways that you can do two turns: one way is to spin on one foot
for a double turn (like how Benji does it), or you can do the regular latin
spin turns (what they call chainee turns in the dance industry). If you are
doing the two latin spin turns, then you need to take 5 steps. How can you do
all of that just on 2 AND 3? 2 AND 3 is really just one count (you start on 2
and finish on 3), and regardless of what

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: Can you explain - what's difference between them?
musique, how's our cssa party? :)

【在 M*****e 的大作中提到】
: are the turns natural or reverse?
: 1.
: assuming
: if you do a back lock starting from left foot, on 1 you'll end up with left
: foot
: i'm confused why you said it's right foot step back on 1
: just

"step out" means step forward, to the left, or diagnally to the left?

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: Can you explain - what's difference between them?
Did you major in 解剖学? Kidding. Let me try one more time.
I face north.
- on 2 AND, left foot steps forward and turns 180degree to south (a left turn)
; at the same time, close right foot to left foot and transfers weight to
right foot. (left, right)
- on 3 AND, left foot steps forward and turns 360degree to south (a left turn)
; at the same time, close right foot to left foot and transfers weight to
right foot. (left, right)
- on 4 AND 1, left foot steps backward to cha cha lock steps. (left, ri

【在 a***e 的大作中提到】
: chernobyl, I think in cha cha, one measure/bar has 4 counts: 2, 3, cha cha, 1.
: So 2 and 3 are two counts (not one, right?). What i need to do are, assuming
: i face north:
: - on 2, left foot steps out and turns 180degree to south; at the same time,
: closes right foot to left foot and transfers weight to right foot; quickly
: left foot steps out to get ready for the next turn.
: - on 3, start from left foot, turn 360degree to south.
: - on 4, left foot steps backward to cha cha steps
: - on 1, right foot ste

start from left foot, turing to the left, for both turns - i guess natural

【在 M*****e 的大作中提到】
: do you turn to the right or turn to the left