Re: 好像大家讨论的大多是latin啊
Re: 好像大家讨论的大多是latin啊# Dance - 轻舞飞扬
不过就都double reverse spin这个舞步而言,我觉得有几个地方比较需要注意:
1。 男士要early rise, 不能等到2才升, 而是1'end就要开始升这样可以给女士的he
el turn足够的准备和暗示。
2。 注意身体在2and3的时候的balance,尤其是男士的frame,这是这个舞步最美的地方
3。 注意3的时候继续旋转,同时降身体,为下一个舞步做准备。 由于这个舞步的rota
Latiner already pointed out the most important things. Here are more technique
1. Early rise. This is a body rise, not a foot rise.
2. Man starts to initiate the turn and turn on count one. Otherwise, it is too
late for the lady.
3. Body position. Man and lady should turn their heads away from each other.
That helps both parties to keep balance when they spin. Otherwise both parties
will end up collapsing towards each other or being pulled off balance.
4. Man's ball of left foot has cont

【在 l*****r 的大作中提到】
: 我好像还真没有思考过为什么每个舞步会存在这个问题。
: 不过就都double reverse spin这个舞步而言,我觉得有几个地方比较需要注意:
: 1。 男士要early rise, 不能等到2才升, 而是1'end就要开始升这样可以给女士的he
: el turn足够的准备和暗示。
: 2。 注意身体在2and3的时候的balance,尤其是男士的frame,这是这个舞步最美的地方
: 。还有spin的速度,往往男士容易转的太快,这样就会把女士的中心带偏。
: 3。 注意3的时候继续旋转,同时降身体,为下一个舞步做准备。 由于这个舞步的rota
: tion幅度比较大,光是2的高点旋转是不够的,需要3的时候来继续完成。
: 第一片技术贴,算是抛砖引玉了。:)

Hi, everybody. I haven’t been here for quite some time. It looks like the
board is getting more interesting with all the technical notes and whatnot.
The double reverse spin is pretty complicated to execute. Moonraker is
basically correct. There is a lot more room for further elaboration though.
Xuli may have misunderstood the body rise in moonraker’s note. Xuli contends
the gentleman should have his left toe on the floor (Who left the left toe on
the floor? Please claim it before it’s dropped o
hi, nightrider, thanks for the detailed answser, u r pretty much a standard
version of ggb now... : )
but unfortunately, I am even more confused now, while everyone else seems to
get your post.... seems I AM slow
anyway, Q1: you are saying early rise (body rise) proceeds count one? well,
that will be at end of previous 3, right? which figure do you use prior to
double reverse spin? most waltz fugure require you to LOWER at end of 3, so
that you can collect and prepare for a good swing at next 1

【在 n********r 的大作中提到】
: Hi, everybody. I haven’t been here for quite some time. It looks like the
: board is getting more interesting with all the technical notes and whatnot.
: The double reverse spin is pretty complicated to execute. Moonraker is
: basically correct. There is a lot more room for further elaboration though.
: Xuli may have misunderstood the body rise in moonraker’s note. Xuli contends
: the gentleman should have his left toe on the floor (Who left the left toe on
: the floor? Please claim it before it’s dropped o

I am picking up the thread I left earlier.
A1. Just as you said, DRS is proceeded by normal waltz figures which require
you to lower at the end of 3. That’s where you get the flexed knee on the
right leg. Contrary to the normal waltz procedure which calls for continued
lowering action all the way to count 1 where the pendulumic motion reaches its
nadir, here we have to reverse the course and commence rising on count 0.5,
hence the name sake “early”. Perhaps a table would be clearer.
Count(mod 3)

【在 n********r 的大作中提到】
: Hi, everybody. I haven’t been here for quite some time. It looks like the
: board is getting more interesting with all the technical notes and whatnot.
: The double reverse spin is pretty complicated to execute. Moonraker is
: basically correct. There is a lot more room for further elaboration though.
: Xuli may have misunderstood the body rise in moonraker’s note. Xuli contends
: the gentleman should have his left toe on the floor (Who left the left toe on
: the floor? Please claim it before it’s dropped o
