UTA招数名博士,方向 Data Science/Machine Learning/AI,
PI: Dr. Shouyi Wang, 实验室COSMOS和大公司AI业界前沿联系紧密, 学生在工业界
或学术界发展机会很多。COSMOS最近毕业PhD有去NVIDIA, IBM,AA, Samsung
/Harman工作,也有去top school, like Harvard, USC, Washington University
如果对申请博士项目感兴趣,可以尽快和Dr. Wang联系[email protected]
本人是UTA COSMOS毕业生,非常推荐Dr. Wang!
PhD Openings in Data Mining & Machine Learning & AI for Fall 2018 & Spring
Position Information: multiple Ph.D. positions are open for Fall 2018 and
Spring 2019 at the Center on Stochastic Modeling, Optimization, & Statistics
(COSMOS) at University of Texas at Arlington. Graduate students with strong
quantitative background and programming skills are encouraged to apply. The
research directions include Data Science, Machine Learning, Artificial
Intelligence & Deep Learning with applications to Healthcare, Neuroscience,
Robotics, Biomedical Informatics, Smart Manufacturing, and Business/Finance.
If you are interested, please send your CV to Dr. Shouyi Wang at [email protected]
uta.edu. We will evaluate your CV and give feedback quickly. Accepted Ph.D.
students will work with Dr. Wang and will be provided with full financial
support for the entire PhD study (4 years).
Visiting Students/Scholars Positions are also available in Data Science/
Machine Learning/AI.
Lab Information: The COSMOS Center is conducting world-leading research in
Advanced Data Analytics, Machine Learning Research, Complex System
Optimization & Modeling, Healthcare and Biomedical Informatics, and AI-
driven Technologies. The lab has very strong connections to AI industry. The
renowned research collaborators include Apple, Foxconn International, IBM,
Facebook/Oculus, Samsung/Harman AI Group, and NVIDIA.
The COSMOS Center PhD graduates are highly popular and highly paid in the US
and World job market. Recent Ph.D. graduates of COSMOS Center obtained jobs
at American Airlines, United Airlines, Google, UPS, CSX, AT&T, Alibaba/
Seattle, Bank of America, BNSF, General Motors, etc. Our Ph.D. graduates
also have immense opportunities to pursue academic careers. Some recent Ph.D
. students obtained faculty/teaching or postdoc positions at top schools,
including Washington University in St. Louis (Business School), Washington
University (Seattle), University of Southern California, and Harvard
University (School of Medicine).
The Current Research Projects & Topics include:
* Sparse Learning and Interpretable Models for Biomedical Data Mining &
Knowledge Discovery
* Machine Learning Research for Big Data Analytics
* Deep Learning Techniques and Applications
* Deep Reinforcement Learning and Interactive Intelligent Robotics Systems
* Brain Informatics and Computational Neuroscience Research
* Brain Computer Interfaces and Brain-Inspired AI Technologies
* Intelligent Decision-Making Models for Complex Systems Modeling
* Precision Medicine and Personalized Healthcare Systems
School Information: With more than 50,000 enrolled students, UTA is one of
the largest public universities in the nation. According to 2018 U.S. News
and World Report, UTA Engineering School is ranked #73 among 200 national
universities. The Industrial, Manufacturing, & Systems Engineering (IMSE)
Department is ranked #44 for Graduate Programs. With great resources and
Texas State support, the IMSE department is one of the fastest growing
programs in the US. Currently, the IMSE Department at UTA has more than 50
PhD students and more than 400 MS students.
DFW/Arlington Area: Located at the US 4th largest metropolitan areas (Dallas
/ Fort Worth Area), the COSMOS Center at UT Arlington is very strong in both
world-leading research activities and strong industry support and
collaborations. The Chronicle of Higher Education ranked The University of
Texas at Arlington 7th fastest-growing public research universities. The DFW
Airport is a world hub in the US and has direct flights to Beijing,
Shanghai, Hong Kong, and most major cities worldwide.
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