had some experience with both DB2 and Oracle,
will post some comparison soon.
Personal feeling:
Oracle's style is like M$ Windoz.
DB2's style is like VMS (if not UNIX).
one is more business-oriented, and one is more research-oriented.

Agree. No wonder DB2 came out of IBM's labs.

【在 o****i 的大作中提到】
: had some experience with both DB2 and Oracle,
: will post some comparison soon.
: Personal feeling:
: Oracle's style is like M$ Windoz.
: DB2's style is like VMS (if not UNIX).
: one is more business-oriented, and one is more research-oriented.

i used oracle in UNIX system, no feeling about the windows style.
not sure why you think it is like Windows.

【在 c****n 的大作中提到】
: Agree. No wonder DB2 came out of IBM's labs.


It is just an analogy.
Like what Lenin said: "every simile is awry". :)
In the commercial database world, Oracle's behavior is much
like M$.
* They are trying to develop everything upon their own efforts.
They are trying to cover all aspects of database, just as
M$ is trying to cover all aspects of all and all.
* They don't follow standard at all---their SQL looks weird.
On the contrary, DB2 follows SQL92 standard.
However, I think the PL part of PL/SQL is very very good,
but not the

【在 x********o 的大作中提到】
: i used oracle in UNIX system, no feeling about the windows style.
: not sure why you think it is like Windows.


Basically Oracle is pushing Internet-oriented db solution, with
tight integration with Java and XML... since Intenet is everything
in everywhere these days, it does seem that Oracle is trying to
cover a lot of grounds :)
actually SQL92 *is* a subset of Oracle SQL... Oracle is also
committed to SQl1999 (SQL3) in its future releases.
Again, *Solutions* mean not just servers; they must include
applications as well.
well the big difference is that Oracle does not crash... and
considering how many u

【在 o**o 的大作中提到】
: It is just an analogy.
: Like what Lenin said: "every simile is awry". :)
: In the commercial database world, Oracle's behavior is much
: like M$.
: * They are trying to develop everything upon their own efforts.
: They are trying to cover all aspects of database, just as
: M$ is trying to cover all aspects of all and all.
: * They don't follow standard at all---their SQL looks weird.
: On the contrary, DB2 follows SQL92 standard.

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