House女老将佩洛熙也开始出马了,协调民主党的立场# EB23 - 劳工卡
现在两党众议院在非法移民的health care方面还有分歧。佩洛熙出马,协调党内立场
House immigration talks hang on health care

Nancy Pelosi is pictured. | AP Photo
Pelosi twice got into a “lively discussion” with a member of the
immigration group Monday. | AP Photo
By JAKE SHERMAN and JOHN BRESNAHAN | 5/21/13 7:35 PM EDT Updated: 5/21/13 8:
House immigration negotiators have given themselves until the end of the
week to hash out language on what kind of health benefits should be
available to undocumented immigrants seeking U.S. citizenship, a crucial
issue for the talks.
If they can’t resolve this issue, the four-year immigration negotiations
could come to a crashing halt.
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Top Democrats said late Tuesday they do not think Republicans will walk away
from the talks.
It was only less than a week ago that the bipartisan House group announced
it had reached a tentative agreement on a proposal “in principle” to be
introduced in June.
The provision, in essence, said immigrants seeking citizenship must provide
their own health care — and if any government entity provides them with
services, they would be ineligible for permanent citizenship. The language
was aimed at assuaging Republican concerns that the immigration bill would
plunge the nation further into debt.
But as word spread, top Democrats — including House Minority Leader Nancy
Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Minority Whip Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) — began to grow
uncomfortable with the language their party drafted to prevent undocumented
immigrants from taking advantage of government-subsidized health care.
Top Democrats are concerned that in emergency situations, for example,
undocumented immigrants would be forced to undergo procedures that could
bankrupt them, and eventually lead to deportation.
“They wrote it,” said Rep. John Carter (R-Texas), a member of the
bipartisan group, referring to the initial language.
The situation is so tenuous that there have been constant Democratic
leadership meetings with immigration negotiators — two in the past 24 hours
. Just hours after a Tuesday afternoon gathering, Pelosi called a leadership
meeting for Wednesday at 10 a.m.
At a meeting late Monday, Pelosi twice got into a “lively discussion” with
Rep. Luis Gutierrez (D-Ill.) — a member of the immigration group —
claiming that they went beyond their purview of negotiating an immigration
The situation illustrates how remote a bipartisan House agreement is,
although it seemed close a few days ago.
House Republican and Democratic immigration negotiators are spending this
week tripping over each other, trying to explain how the bipartisan accord
they thought they had last week is close to falling apart at the seams.
It’s a big step back for the prospects of immigration reform. Without a
bipartisan House bill, Speaker John Boehner’s chamber won’t have as much
buy-in to the process.
Behind the scenes, the situation is getting messy.
Democrats and Republicans in the immigration group are increasingly
frustrated with Rep. Xavier Becerra (D-Calif.), who was noncommital to the
health care language before it was released, while most of the group agreed,
according to several sources involved in the negotiation.
When asked whether Becerra and Democratic leadership were behind the holdup,
Carter said, “I think so.”
So now, as the agreements come undone, a secret legislative process is
unraveling in public view. The deal that canceled staff trips and kept aides
busy during recesses is crumbling.
And as their Senate counterparts wrap up their bipartisan compromise in
committee, Democrats and Republicans find themselves fighting on familiar
ground — health care.
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