jeb bush发署名文章了
jeb bush发署名文章了# EB23 - 劳工卡
As Governor of Florida, I had a front row seat to the immigration debate for
years. As a husband and father in law, I've personally experienced how
immigrants can make our life richer. Yet, since our nation's founding the
immigration debate has been a challenge.
Most Americans agree that coming to the United States legally should be
easier and with less cost than coming to the country illegally.
Unfortunately, right now, that is not the case. We need consistent and
stronger enforcement and we need a process for legal immigration for those
aspiring to make a contribution to our country's future.
Our nation has been an honorable place of refuge for people to escape
religious persecution, to exercise their freedom of thought, to flee
overreaching regimes, and to take a chance on upward mobility. Those people
are just like us -- they only happened to have been born somewhere else by
To achieve sustained economic growth for the United States, we need to
reform our immigration laws from top to bottom. We cannot grow our way out
of the structural problems we have without young, energetic and productive
immigrants. Without immigration reform, our entitlement programs will
overwhelm us.
This is one reason I am participating in the virtual March for Innovation
today. Thanks to the bipartisan work taking place in the House and Senate
right now, I am encouraged Washington might pass comprehensive reform this
You too can help by joining The March for Innovation in support of
immigration reform. This is shaping up to be the largest virtual march
leaders in Washington have ever seen. The more of us that get involved, the
more likely we are to see reform finally take place and allow us to move
forward as a nation.
Take action now to help me send this message. It only takes a minute for one
person to make a big impact.