议员办公室给的回信,大家给看看?# EB23 - 劳工卡
1 楼
Thank you for your email. I spoke with USCIS today and confirmed that the
files were assigned to an officer today. Apparently the service center was
closed Monday and Tuesday of this week because of ice and snow in Texas. It
can take up to thirty days to adjudicate a case when it is with an officer,
but feel free to check online periodically because it can be adjudicated at
any point. I will check on them again next week as well. Take care, and
let me know if you have any questions.
files were assigned to an officer today. Apparently the service center was
closed Monday and Tuesday of this week because of ice and snow in Texas. It
can take up to thirty days to adjudicate a case when it is with an officer,
but feel free to check online periodically because it can be adjudicated at
any point. I will check on them again next week as well. Take care, and
let me know if you have any questions.