转贴 ILW alleges anti-immigrant faction targeting IT and nursing industries
转贴 ILW alleges anti-immigrant faction targeting IT and nursing industries# EB23 - 劳工卡
今天想在neiman上买点东西,登fia的world points mall,可惜没有找到链接口能进去
,上周还进去买了些东西,这个worldpoints mall是不是取消了?
Comment: VisaGate Lawsuit Against USCIS DOS
Immigration Daily has learned that Greg Siskind is coordinating, pro bono, a
federal lawsuit in the DC circuit against USCIS, DOS and others re
VisaGate2015 (shades of VisaGate2007). This class-action complaint will soon
be filed, tens of thousands of immigrants are among those affected. An
analysis of the highly selective manner in which USCIS/DOS went about
undoing the original, lawfully issued, October Visa Bulletin and are now
attempting to foist newly concocted biased dates leaves no doubt about what
USCIS/DOS are gunning for. A small faction of anti-immigrant bureaucrats at
USCIS/DOS are targeting two specific industries: the Nursing industry which
relies on nurses from the Philippines and the IT industry which heavily
relies on immigrants from India and China. Why these two industries? Because
these, due to their strong reliance on immigrant labor, are likely to be
strong advocates for USCIS to perform its immigration benefit processing
duties. USCIS appears to have more than its share of federal bureaucrats
whose view of primary duties encompasses little beyond imbibing coffee. When
reminded that no other federal agency has the primary mission of dispensing
immigration benefits, these dis-functionaries cower behind the fig leaf of
"national security". A marked anti-Asian prejudice is likely given that even
the illiterates at USCIS/DOS are now aware that the locus of immigration to
USA has moved from Latin America to Asia. We strongly suspect that the
discovery process in this lawsuit, soon to come, will reveal ruminations at
the top levels of USCIS and DOS on this matter and will lay their intentions
bare for the world to see. Should they try to delete email trails, we are
confident that FBI will nail the miscreants and send them to be guests at
Club Fed.
It is still possible for USCIS/DOS to do the right thing, and let the
original October Visa Bulletin stand. Experience from 2007 shows that in
order for this to happen, the following will first have to come to pass,
which accordingly we urge onward:
Patriots at USCIS/DOS
We believe that there exists a significant cadre of patriotic servants at
USCIS/DOS who will fight for immigrants, and for the right thing for the USA
- for America to keep its word. We assure these loyal Americans at USCIS/
DOS that Immigration Daily has their back thru thick and thin. We encourage
them to blow the whistle on their colleagues who have chosen the rascal's
path, and to do whatever they can to uphold orderliness in immigration
processing under the rule of the law, and to resist, using every lawful
means, arbitrary and capricious actions by their underlings, colleagues and
Immigrant press
We encourage the immigrant press to realize that this battle is not an
obscure one, albeit on an obscure legal issue. This battle is about whether
America's agencies entrusted with responsibilities over immigrants will
treat them fairly or unfairly. It is about whether we are a nation of laws
or a nation where lawless bums such as David Duke and his minions have taken
over immigration in USA. Once USCIS/DOS are allowed to get away with
dividing one immigrant community from another, all immigrant communities
will suffer the bureaucrats' wrath.
Presidential Candidates
A few candidates for President, in both parties, have made noises about
being pro-immigrant, especially for employment-based immigration. This is
their chance to differentiate themselves from the pack and to call for USCIS
/DOS to do the right thing and keep America's word.
DAPA advocates
The single largest group of immigrants adversely affected by our broken
immigration system are those who would benefit from DAPA. We assure them
should USCIS/DOS get away with shoddy mistreatment of the VisaGate group now
, the DAPA group will be equally maltreated and harassed. However, since
once bitten is twice shy, the DAPA folks ought to have renewed hope once
USCIS/DOS have learned the error of their ways in VisaGate2015 (this hope
must translate into results, and united, immigrant advocates can deliver
results for the DAPA group).
IT and nursing industries
We encourage those who run IT and nursing companies to take on board that
USCIS/DOS are poking them straight in the eye - and that these agencies are
fearful of the industries' ability to demand results from immigration case
processing - so demand away! These industries cannot function without
employees, which USCIS/DOS want to extinguish at source.
The immigration bar is once again in the spotlight and has the ability,
through creative lawsuits, to deliver death by a thousand cuts to USCIS/DOS.
We urge forceful action in federal courts, not just press releases.
Those from the Filipino/Indian/Chinese communities should take on board that
USCIS/DOS have thrust them in the vanguard. They fight here, not just for
themselves, but for millions of immigrants, just like them in every way
except for the fact they come from other nations, who are being
institutionally hounded and tormented unmercifully. VisaGate 2007 featured
creative thinking by and other immigrant groups, who
came up with a brilliant "flower campaign". We urge them to put their
thinking caps on and take on the smartasses at USCIS/DOS.
Immigration Daily publicly and with sincerity praised USCIS/DOS for the
innovation behind the October Visa Bulletin. It is a shame that we are
compelled to ridicule those same agencies over the unconscionable, and
probably unlawful, undoing of that ground-breaking document. President Obama
's legacy is in the hands of incompetents - perhaps someone over at the
White House will take notice. We encourage our readers to get involved in
whatever way is appropriate in your respective situations in this important
Share your thoughts by writing to [email protected]
/* */
THEIR ADDITIONAL BENEFITS TO ALL. - Part 3 of 5. By Alan Lee, Esq.
Bloggings By Roger Algase: DHS Suddenly Moves Back India, China EB-2 Filing
Dates. Why?; Jewish Singer Helps Syrian Refugees In Memory of Holocaust
Bloggings By Greg Siskind: USCIS' Official Statement (Spoiler Alert: No
Apology Offered); Sign the Petition;Visagate 2015 Edition
Blogging: Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million Driving Population
Growth Through 2065. By Matthew Kolken
Blogging: October Visa Bulletin - April Fools! By Carl Shusterman
News: USCIS Message on Revised International Office Pages
News: USCIS Message on Updated Visa Bulletin for October 2015
News: USCIS Issues Revised Visa Bulletin for October 2015
Focus: EB-5 Investors from Persian Gulf and Middle East
ILW will customize a Persian Gulf marketing event that will be exclusive to
your organization and will be tailored to generate EB5 business directly to
your firm. Given China's retrogression, it is wise to have an alternative
source of investors. After conducting several successful events in Dubai,
Abu Dhabi, Kuwait, Doha, Manama, Muscat, Istanbul, Jeddah, Riyadh and other
important cities, we are offering Persian Gulf - Middle East Tours. What we
Guaranteed attendance of only screened individuals of high net-worth status,
specifically, individuals that meet the necessary criteria for the EB-5
Finely tuned filtration and scrubbing process to ensure the proper quality
of attendees
Complete strategic planning and all logistical implementation related to:
travel schedule, program itinerary, refreshments, event marketing, event
advertising, translation services, securing of venue, presentation aid
assistance, post event follow ups and provision of contact information of
attendees to presenting client post event
100% exclusivity. Unlike "exposition" type settings, we only execute events
for one client at a time in order to completely eliminate any instance of
competition on the day of presentation
Organic leads: we ensure only brand new attendees for our events. This
allows for exclusively fresh leads as opposed to recycling contacts made
from past
An intimate ambiance: we purposely guarantee a minimum of 25 attendees in
total per event in order to ensure all questions are answered thoroughly and
that direct contact is established between the presenter and potential
investor. In addition, we ensure that each potential investor has an
opportunity to sit down with the presenter in a private 1 on 1 sit down
immediately after the presentation portion which increases connection with
the potential investor
A unique opportunity for professionals that participate in this service to
convert as many possible investors without paying a single cent in
commission or any contingent fees as typically witnessed in the China EB-5
Fully ethical and SEC compliant services related solely to marketing which
does not involve the selling of a security
An extremely competitive and moderate fair and flat cost that covers every
notion associated with this service other than your travel costs
We urge all those who are interested to obtain further information about
this service to directly contact our office at 212.545.0818 or e-mail us at
[email protected]
/* */
Headline: Modern Immigration Wave Brings 59 Million to U.S., Driving
Population Growth and Change Through 2065 Click here
Headline: Post Pope, Prayers for Miracle on Immigration from Speaker Boehner
Click here
Headline: LA, Others Let Immigration Agents in the Jails, Rules Vary Click
Headline: It's Time for Bernie Sanders to Step Up on Immigration Click here
Help Wanted: Immigration Attorney
Washington, DC. - Niskanen Center Immigration Policy Counsel. Key job
responsibilities will include: 1. Reviewing immigration statutes and
regulations to propose reform ideas. 2. Overseeing the production of model
immigration reform legislation. 3. Reviewing immigration reform bills to
propose amendments. 4. Drafting comments on proposed immigration regulations
. The ideal candidate will possess the following attributes: 1. Three-plus
years of experience working on immigration policy or law in government or
privately, or three-plus years of experience drafting legislation or
regulations. 2. Familiarity with immigration statutes and regulations. 3.
Ability to creatively and independently solve problems and experience with
self-management. Qualified candidates should submit the following materials
in one PDF file to Joe Coon, vice president of the Niskanen Center: [email protected] 1. Resume. 2. A cover letter detailing your interest in
the organization and your salary requirements. 3. Writing sample that
demonstrates an ability to communicate complex concepts to other policy
experts. The Niskanen Center's immigration agenda begins with the premise
that legal immigration has positive economic and social benefit to the
United States and that it expands the liberty of Americans by allowing them
to associate freely with people from other nations. This philosophical
perspective animates the Center's efforts to make legal immigration easier
for peaceful immigrants.
To submit an article or a news item to Immigration Daily, write to [email protected] Follow ILW.COM on Twitter.
Letters of the Week: Sandeep Reddy
ComingsNGoings: Immigration Event
October 8, 2015, 1:30pm - 3:30pm (Eastern), Falls Church, VA. The Executive
Office for Immigration Review (EOIR) will hold a webinar/teleconference to
discuss a recently announced final rule titled, "List of Pro Bono Legal
Service Providers for Individuals in Immigration Proceedings." Participation
in person or via webinar. Location: 5107 Leesburg Pike, Suite 2500, Falls
Church, VA. To RSVP for the meeting, please contact Nathan Berkeley, EOIR
Outreach Director, at [email protected]
/* */ by noon on Tuesday, October 6
, 2015. In person attendance will be limited to the first fifteen (15)
individuals to RSVP. In your email, please indicate whether you intend to
participate in person or by webinar/teleconference and provide the name(s)
of the attendee(s), your organization, and an email address.
An Important disclaimer! The information provided on this page is not legal
advice. Transmission of this information is not intended to create, and
receipt by you does not constitute, an attorney-client relationship. Readers
must not act upon any information without first seeking advice from a
qualified attorney. Copyright 1995-2015 American Immigration LLC, ILW.COM.
Send correspondence and articles to [email protected]
/* */ Letters and articles may
be edited and may be published and otherwise used in any medium. The views
expressed in letters and articles do not necessarily represent the views of
Publisher: Sam Udani ISSN: 1930-062X
Advisory Board: Jason Dzubow, Rami Fakhoury, Matthew Kolken, Chris Musillo,
Lory Rosenberg, Greg Siskind, Joel Stewart, Margaret Wong

【在 d******g 的大作中提到】
: 今天想在neiman上买点东西,登fia的world points mall,可惜没有找到链接口能进去
: ,上周还进去买了些东西,这个worldpoints mall是不是取消了?
