Skywork solution phone screen# EE - 电子工程
1 楼
昨天和skywork 的人 phone screen 了一把。他们两个人,从iowa打来。开头主要问现
在在做什么,谈谈phD的课题,用过什么设备,仿真软件的应用(ADS's harmonic
balance and Momentum).之后他们有问了一些基本概念,我尽量列出来:
1. Q:A FET in common souce, the voltage on load is in phase or out of phase
of input signal?
A: out of phase.
Q: How many degree?
2. where is 0Ohm, 50Ohm, 25Ohm on smith chart.
3. How to match from 25 Ohm to 100 Ohm with inductor and capacitor
4. How to match from 25 Ohm to 100 Ohm with a piece of transmission line.
5. The advantage of Clas
昨天和skywork 的人 phone screen 了一把。他们两个人,从iowa打来。开头主要问现
在在做什么,谈谈phD的课题,用过什么设备,仿真软件的应用(ADS's harmonic
balance and Momentum).之后他们有问了一些基本概念,我尽量列出来:
1. Q:A FET in common souce, the voltage on load is in phase or out of phase
of input signal?
A: out of phase.
Q: How many degree?
2. where is 0Ohm, 50Ohm, 25Ohm on smith chart.
3. How to match from 25 Ohm to 100 Ohm with inductor and capacitor
4. How to match from 25 Ohm to 100 Ohm with a piece of transmission line.
5. The advantage of Clas