I and my wife are both F1 and we got a child last year. We payed around $ 5500 (selfpay) for medical expense for pregnancy,delivery and baby medical care. Also we payed $800 for baby medical insurance. My wife also paid around $300 for dental insurance. I came to USA Aug2005, so I need to file 1040NR; my wife came here Aug 2007 as F1. Then we got married. My question is, can the medical expense $5500 and those baby/dental insurance be tax returned by 1040NR? If yes, do you know which line I can
朱令在高中时曾翻译过Sarah Teasdale的诗作,译文和原文如下: Like Barley Bending 大麦俯身偃 大麦俯身偃,Like barley bending 海滨有低地,In the low fields by the sea 巨风动地来,Singing in the hard wind 放歌殊未已;Ceaselessly 大麦俯身偃,Like Barley bending 既偃且复起,And rising again 颠仆不能折,So would I unbroken 昂扬伤痛里; Rise from pain 我生也柔弱,So would I softly 日夜逝如此, Day long, and night long 直把千古愁,Chant my sorrow 化作临风曲。Into a song 朱令译作古风质朴,浑然雄厚,深情悠长,可见其古诗造诣,心胸气质!可叹锦绣年华 ,近二十年过去,如今只剩残躯弱体,目不能视,口不能言,记忆衰微,这是怎样残酷 的对比? 多年来照顾重度残疾,多次病危的朱令一家需要帮助: http://helpzhuling.org
现在只要$10,让你见证奇迹! 我们要让OCEF (Overseas China Education Foundation)和Save Chinese Children (O SCCF)每天包揽America's Giving Challeng前两名。现在OCEF已经在今天排行榜遥遥领 先,现在请大家把捐款给OSCCF,顶上第二名!还有一个小时时间。 Mission Impossible, but let's do it! 请点击下面网站绿色DONATE键,给OSCCF捐款,美东时间3PM截至,还有60分钟! http://apps.facebook.com/causes/80524 我们要的不多,只要每人$10。细水长流,每天捐$10一直到11/6. 我们的目标按照重要性排列: 1、两个里面有个机构要领$50,000大奖 2、两个里面有个机构要领$25,000大奖 3、每天两个里面有个机构要领$1,000 4、每天两个里面有个机构每天要领$5,00 5、决不让藏独组织领一分钱大奖 6、绝不让藏独组织领一分钱每日小奖