Interests rate# Economics - 经济
May I know what r the factors that affect interests rate, i.e. what make the
government decide their money policy?
What I can think of is inflation will lead to rate hike, but on the same tim
e the property market is hit due to the high mortgate rate. Am I correct?

that's a huge question and I don't think there is definitive answers to it.
what the government controls is the fed discount rate (overnight borrowing
rate), and mortgage rates are set by individual lenders and tend to be tight
to (now defunct) 10-year treasury rate (mortgages have on average 7-yr
duration). Plus, 15 or 30-yr fixed mortage rates probably also factor in
forward rates / expected future rates as well. So changes in the discount rate
may or may not have any impact on the mortgage r

【在 b****n 的大作中提到】
: May I know what r the factors that affect interests rate, i.e. what make the
: government decide their money policy?
: What I can think of is inflation will lead to rate hike, but on the same tim
: e the property market is hit due to the high mortgate rate. Am I correct?

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