could someone recommend one of the best paper..
could someone recommend one of the best paper..# Economics - 经济
i am curious to know the state of art of research in financial economics.
just viewed from an outsider's unavoidably biased perspective, financial
economics seems to be a rather restricted and well studied
discipline that could not offer too much
intellectual challenge or offer too much room for creativity. and from reading
scientific literatures, i have a vague impression that this discipline is
not highly regarded by peering researchers in math and physics etc.
in addition, most of the phd stu
if the discussion about the co-author thing made me feel uncomfortable,
although i totally agree with the standing of Profit, then your post made me
feel very bad. No much room for creativity and intellectural challenge? i have
nothing to say.
well anyways, try this paper:
"Term Structure Dynamics in Theory and Reality" By Dai and Singleton,2002.
but if you think it is not fair to see a review paper in some sense, you could
also try this one:
"Nonparametric Option Pricing under shapr restriction

【在 t****n 的大作中提到】
: i am curious to know the state of art of research in financial economics.
: just viewed from an outsider's unavoidably biased perspective, financial
: economics seems to be a rather restricted and well studied
: discipline that could not offer too much
: intellectual challenge or offer too much room for creativity. and from reading
: scientific literatures, i have a vague impression that this discipline is
: not highly regarded by peering researchers in math and physics etc.
: in addition, most of the phd stu
