Last night, I watched a movie, to be exact a documentary - "Warrior
Marks". The movie is produced by Alice Walker and the topic is about
female genital mutilation, or excession of female sexual organ in Africa.
It is such a powerful film and I am really moved by it, not by the
horror of removal of genital organ, but impressed by the determination
and passion that the women decide to fight for their rights and the
maintaining of their physical integrity. In the world of Alice Walker,
Circumcision is widely practiced in Africa, Middle East, some part of
India, and even Malaysia, Indonesia. United States and Europe are also
reported to have several thousand cases each year.
Alice Walker, as the writer of this film, was not an outsider coming to
tell these women, especially African and Asian women, what their moral
duty was. Instead, she came as one who herself had known what it was
like to be mutilated, though in a different way, as a child. Her
brother intentionally shot o

【在 n****n 的大作中提到】
: Last night, I watched a movie, to be exact a documentary - "Warrior
: Marks". The movie is produced by Alice Walker and the topic is about
: female genital mutilation, or excession of female sexual organ in Africa.
: It is such a powerful film and I am really moved by it, not by the
: horror of removal of genital organ, but impressed by the determination
: and passion that the women decide to fight for their rights and the
: maintaining of their physical integrity. In the world of Alice Walker,
: mutilation

The movie actually makes me think a lot. In China, people used to break
the bone of young girl's feet to provent them from growing, in order to
maintain a child/woman image symbolically, even though now the tradition
is pratically nonexistent. But when I think about my mother and other
female relatives, I get the feeling that they are treated in a similar
way, although to a much lesser degree. They are expected to behave like
a child before their marriage and anything about their sexuality is

【在 n****n 的大作中提到】
: Circumcision is widely practiced in Africa, Middle East, some part of
: India, and even Malaysia, Indonesia. United States and Europe are also
: reported to have several thousand cases each year.
: Alice Walker, as the writer of this film, was not an outsider coming to
: tell these women, especially African and Asian women, what their moral
: duty was. Instead, she came as one who herself had known what it was
: like to be mutilated, though in a different way, as a child. Her
: brother intentionally shot o

Also, with little awareness, I think many girls believe(even if they
refuse to acknowledge it) that their life, career or whatever, is
secondary to their husbands'. Their sacrifice is taken for granted
by everyone, their husbands and THEMSELVES as well. They bear the
bitterness and burden and never realize everything they have done is
as worthy as their husbands. Our society is still a very patriarchal
one and women like my mother and my cousins are subject to the "violence"
of our culture wi

【在 n****n 的大作中提到】
: The movie actually makes me think a lot. In China, people used to break
: the bone of young girl's feet to provent them from growing, in order to
: maintain a child/woman image symbolically, even though now the tradition
: is pratically nonexistent. But when I think about my mother and other
: female relatives, I get the feeling that they are treated in a similar
: way, although to a much lesser degree. They are expected to behave like
: a child before their marriage and anything about their sexuality is

I strongly recommend all of you to try to get the video from public
library nearby. Alice Walker is pretty famous as a feminist. Chacey
Chapman, the Afro-American singer, also appears in the film and sings
the title song. It is not just a film for African women who are
fighting for justice, it also applies to female and male else where,
about power, about human dignity, about sexuality and about domination
and resistance. In this sense, feminism really brings substantial
value for our unders

【在 n****n 的大作中提到】
: Also, with little awareness, I think many girls believe(even if they
: refuse to acknowledge it) that their life, career or whatever, is
: secondary to their husbands'. Their sacrifice is taken for granted
: by everyone, their husbands and THEMSELVES as well. They bear the
: bitterness and burden and never realize everything they have done is
: as worthy as their husbands. Our society is still a very patriarchal
: one and women like my mother and my cousins are subject to the "violence"
: of our culture wi


That was based on culture rather than on sex.
You are an expeption in this case. There are
alway eceptions. That was a major blunder I did
believe you.
The moral behind the story: don't take anything
for granted because nothing IS absolutely right.

【在 n****n 的大作中提到】
: I strongly recommend all of you to try to get the video from public
: library nearby. Alice Walker is pretty famous as a feminist. Chacey
: Chapman, the Afro-American singer, also appears in the film and sings
: the title song. It is not just a film for African women who are
: fighting for justice, it also applies to female and male else where,
: about power, about human dignity, about sexuality and about domination
: and resistance. In this sense, feminism really brings substantial
: value for our unders


Circumcision, that was the brutality of
the culture. I wonder if we should repect
blindly old and ancient cultures.

【在 n****n 的大作中提到】
: Last night, I watched a movie, to be exact a documentary - "Warrior
: Marks". The movie is produced by Alice Walker and the topic is about
: female genital mutilation, or excession of female sexual organ in Africa.
: It is such a powerful film and I am really moved by it, not by the
: horror of removal of genital organ, but impressed by the determination
: and passion that the women decide to fight for their rights and the
: maintaining of their physical integrity. In the world of Alice Walker,
: mutilation

That is not a major blunder. :)
But I just picked that as example 'coz I was too lazy to think of
anything else. xixi.. Maybe it is not such a good example. :)

【在 G********t 的大作中提到】
: Circumcision, that was the brutality of
: the culture. I wonder if we should repect
: blindly old and ancient cultures.

"Blindly" is the word. We shouldn't be following anything blindly.
Few months ago, when I listened to BBC, I heard report about a French
woman who praticed this kind of mutilation to girls. And I was shocked.
I couldn't believe such brutality can still exist in this world. That
is why I started to pay attention to topics related to this.
In the film, you can hear the detail described by those who have
experienced this brutal event. I feel the pain and the terror.

【在 G********t 的大作中提到】
: Circumcision, that was the brutality of
: the culture. I wonder if we should repect
: blindly old and ancient cultures.


I don't want to go through that.
First time I read of that, I was
in high school. It's translated
in a way that it sounded like
it's a kind of revered ritual.
I've seen a turkish movie, Hamman(Turkish Bath,
don't know if I spelt it correctly).
There was a szene two turkish
boys were circumcised. They did
celebrate it.
Speaking of the movie, that was
a shown on a German-Turkish film
festival. It was fun.

【在 n****n 的大作中提到】
: "Blindly" is the word. We shouldn't be following anything blindly.
: Few months ago, when I listened to BBC, I heard report about a French
: woman who praticed this kind of mutilation to girls. And I was shocked.
: I couldn't believe such brutality can still exist in this world. That
: is why I started to pay attention to topics related to this.
: In the film, you can hear the detail described by those who have
: experienced this brutal event. I feel the pain and the terror.

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