[转载] 寻呼机爱情# EnglishChat - 鸟语花香
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【 原文由 naming 所发表 】
He and she have loved each other for 5 years. He and she argued heavily that
time. He left with the words:"I will page you late today" She thought him
alone. She stared at the pager. It was his gift to her. It recorded his
love. She thought:"Whenever he pages me, I will appologize, saying that I
love him". She put her pager on the table, waiting his message. She felt
tired. She fell to sleep. When she woke up, she found that he had paged her

if they could be separated this way, they won't be together for good.

【在 f****r 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 THU 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 naming 所发表 】
: He and she have loved each other for 5 years. He and she argued heavily that
: time. He left with the words:"I will page you late today" She thought him
: alone. She stared at the pager. It was his gift to her. It recorded his
: love. She thought:"Whenever he pages me, I will appologize, saying that I
: love him". She put her pager on the table, waiting his message. She felt
: tired. She fell to sleep. When she woke up, she found that he had paged her
: and


If one is desperately in need of this sort of love,
why not just speak it out ? face to face, eye to
eye, honestly.
Playing-waiting is meaningless and pitiful for
any real relationships. :-|
--bye ^o^

【在 f****r 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 THU 讨论区 】
: 【 原文由 naming 所发表 】
: He and she have loved each other for 5 years. He and she argued heavily that
: time. He left with the words:"I will page you late today" She thought him
: alone. She stared at the pager. It was his gift to her. It recorded his
: love. She thought:"Whenever he pages me, I will appologize, saying that I
: love him". She put her pager on the table, waiting his message. She felt
: tired. She fell to sleep. When she woke up, she found that he had paged her
: and


I guess they probably hurted each other many times previously, so they are
tired of that kind of "playing".
In reality, if people know something is worthy of doing and doable, they will
do it. But sometimes they fail to discover the gold behind the sands; sometimes
they just don't get enough confidence. People watching and leaving, that is
life. It is not like pattern matching in computer, where you match when you
match. Maybe sometime human beings can be abstracted well spritually, then
such i

【在 s********k 的大作中提到】
: If one is desperately in need of this sort of love,
: why not just speak it out ? face to face, eye to
: eye, honestly.
: Playing-waiting is meaningless and pitiful for
: any real relationships. :-|
: --bye ^o^

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