
yeah, three months for my short BBS life :-)
I changed partly because of many 'waters' or 'posts' of BBS,
(some really struck my deeply and affected me profoundly),
partly because of many ebbs and flows of my own real life.
Feel after this summer, i grew much mature and more confident
in myself. Come to more clearly understand myself.
Hmm, how much time have passed. how many errors have made,
how many sorrows have inscribed before one can come to realize
what is the meaning of life ?
I am happy
same feeling here. :-)
internet somehow changes our way of communication. i get to know
people i've never met in my real life, which is is quite amazing
and totally unthinkable in the old days. and somehow the
understanding can transcend the distance and go way beyond this
virtual world.

i am really glad to hear this. :-)

【在 s********k 的大作中提到】
: yeah, three months for my short BBS life :-)
: I changed partly because of many 'waters' or 'posts' of BBS,
: (some really struck my deeply and affected me profoundly),
: partly because of many ebbs and flows of my own real life.
: Feel after this summer, i grew much mature and more confident
: in myself. Come to more clearly understand myself.
: Hmm, how much time have passed. how many errors have made,
: how many sorrows have inscribed before one can come to realize
: what is the meaning of life ?

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