这个标题怎么翻?# EnglishChat - 鸟语花香
Title:Lexington bus driver pleads no contest in sex abuse case
Former Lexington County school bus driver Roy Haskell Price Jr. pleaded no
contest Friday to six counts of sexually abusing children on his bus.
Price, 65, was sentenced to 45 years in prison.
Before the sentencing, parents of most of the victims tearfully told Judge
Casey Manning how the incidents had affected their daughters’ lives. One
father said that Price had taken something from his daughter that could never

【在 a*******s 的大作中提到】
: 一地方报纸登的文章,标题什么意思?
: Title:Lexington bus driver pleads no contest in sex abuse case
: Former Lexington County school bus driver Roy Haskell Price Jr. pleaded no
: contest Friday to six counts of sexually abusing children on his bus.
: Price, 65, was sentenced to 45 years in prison.
: Before the sentencing, parents of most of the victims tearfully told Judge
: Casey Manning how the incidents had affected their daughters’ lives. One
: father said that Price had taken something from his daughter that could never

我想你就是想问plead no contest是什么意思?就是 decline to defend. 基本上的意思

【在 a*******s 的大作中提到】
: 一地方报纸登的文章,标题什么意思?
: Title:Lexington bus driver pleads no contest in sex abuse case
: Former Lexington County school bus driver Roy Haskell Price Jr. pleaded no
: contest Friday to six counts of sexually abusing children on his bus.
: Price, 65, was sentenced to 45 years in prison.
: Before the sentencing, parents of most of the victims tearfully told Judge
: Casey Manning how the incidents had affected their daughters’ lives. One
: father said that Price had taken something from his daughter that could never

google found:
Some defendants prefer to plead "no contest" instead of guilty. According
to the law, there is little difference between the two pleas. You can be
convicted on either; your criminal record will appear the same either way.
The only difference is that a "no contest" plea cannot be used against you
in a civil suit involving the same conduct. For example, if you have an
accident, are prosecuted for DWI and plead "no contest," victims of the
accident can't use your plea to prove in civi

【在 a*******s 的大作中提到】
: 一地方报纸登的文章,标题什么意思?
: Title:Lexington bus driver pleads no contest in sex abuse case
: Former Lexington County school bus driver Roy Haskell Price Jr. pleaded no
: contest Friday to six counts of sexually abusing children on his bus.
: Price, 65, was sentenced to 45 years in prison.
: Before the sentencing, parents of most of the victims tearfully told Judge
: Casey Manning how the incidents had affected their daughters’ lives. One
: father said that Price had taken something from his daughter that could never

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