Hi, I plan to ask a friend of a friend working for Microsoft to buy some MS software to upgrade my desktop. Anyone who works for MS knows the employee price for Win 8 Pro and Office Pro Plus 2013 purchased within MS by employee ? If there is no big discount then I will not bother my friend. Thanks in advance.
3 楼
领导的新开的serve卡和新开的ink,昨天第一次加了200刀没有问题,今天add money就 出了这个问题: You have the following errors. We are unable to complete your request at this time, as additional information is needed. Please call Customer Service at 1-800-954-0559. Our hours of operation are 9am - 8pm EST, Monday - Friday. 是不是一家不能两个serve?哪位有经验的麻烦说说需要提供啥信息?我操作的,但用 的领导信息,所以谁打电话都不好办啊。