哪里买thinkpad t61的风扇? (转载)
哪里买thinkpad t61的风扇? (转载)# Hardware - 计算机硬件
本人护照上现在还有有效地L2 visa stamp到2015年3月,之前一个签证也是L2. 签发地
去年第一次拿到1年的 H1b,今天续 h1b 延了3年。 想出国把visa stamp从L2换成H1b.
Capricorn Horoscope for February 2011
By Susan Miller
This will be a big financial month from the moment February opens. You will
have Neptune, Mars, the Sun, and new moon setting the pace from February 2
onward, and it's an excellent time to be "talking turkey," as they say here
in America. Cut the cards, make the deal, and find ways to earn more money,
dear Capricorn, but do it early in the month when you will have your very
best aspects for making a really good deal.
Mercury, the planet of communication - which is also the planet that rules
your solar sixth house of work projects - will be exchanging powerful
vibrations with Jupiter on February 4 and 5. Those will be very important
days for you, so mark them down on your calendar! Mercury rules contracts
and will be visiting your second house of earned income, just two of many
reasons these will be YOUR days for making more money. This is, quite simply
, the best month of 2011 to uncover ways to make more money.
Mars is currently busy driving up your expenses this month, so it looks like
you will need to write quite a check for a large amount. That might be
fortunate, in a weird way, for you'll be motivated to look for ways to make
more. Sometimes, as they say, necessity is the mother of invention. This
energetic planet will add to your drive and determination to find
opportunities and the courage to get more for your services.
Of course, more money without the passion for a position can be quite empty,
but I feel you may get a shot of career luck near February 9, when Venus,
the ruler of your house of career status, will meet with powerhouse Pluto,
and both will be in Capricorn. You'll have plenty of control on this day,
and there's a good chance a VIP will be interested in talking to you.
You will get more opportunities to climb the ladder of success in late April
, but in a month that emphasizes money, it would be wise to begin now to
entertain offers and to unearth what might be out there for you.
Now that Jupiter has moved into a part of your chart that is positioned
precisely opposite your tenth house of career, Jupiter will ping energy to
your career sector. You can expect a measure of luck when it comes to your
search for a better position or promotion. I would like you to pay special
attention in April, but there's no harm in sending out signals that you
would love to be given more responsibility and a better title now. Start the
wheels moving.
The full moon of February 18 will mark a culmination to various types of
financial matters, including any talks you might be having with bankers,
insurance company executives, venture capitalists, university financial aid
managers, or other financial types. Pluto will be very friendly at this full
moon, February 18, so at this time banks are likely to look upon you with
Still, Neptune will be very prominent at this full moon, making the time
near February 18 unwise for signing papers involving money. Neptune tends to
veil facts and data needed to make an informed decision. Things will start
to become foggy shortly after February 14, the very last date you should
consider making any firm financial commitment. Neptune will conjoin the Sun
on February 16 and conjoin the full moon on February 18.
Near the full moon, there may be parts of the deal you don't understand, or
areas of the deal that have been omitted and later may cause problems as a
result. You would need a good lawyer to help you, but even so, I would
suggest you try to sign early in February. If signing February 4-5 is not
feasible (my favorite days) then consider February 14, when Mercury and
Saturn will be beautifully angled to each other, and Saturn can offer you a
good shot at long-term security. February 14 would be the last day I would
sign papers this month. After that, you might want to wait for March 2, the
new moon next month.
There is one way that Neptune's presence won't be problematic, and that
would be only if you are doing a deal with an artist, actor, or musician, or
are involved with any other person who works in another area of the arts.
Neptune rules the arts and the creative process, and that would explain his
prominence at this time.
There is some indication you may be trying to sell or buy a house, and if so
, your timing is just about perfect. Jupiter, the giver of gifts and luck,
has just entered your fourth house of home last month on January 22 and will
stay until June 4, 2011. This is a rare visit, for after Jupiter leaves,
this planet will not be back to this house again until 2022.
Knowing this, you will get your very best deal possible now through June 4
if you plan to buy or sell a house, or renovate one. Again, though, I would
not want you to close on or near February 18, as Neptune's presence in
regard to a closing could later bring floods or other problems with water.
Father Neptune loves to bring the sea with him wherever he goes.
There is another wrinkle that could come up in regard to real estate this
month. Pluto in Capricorn will be in hard angle to Jupiter in Aries on
February 25, so you may feel pushed around unfairly by the buyer or seller
of property you are discussing together. Or, you might have bought a house
some time ago and have had to pour a lot of money into it, only to discover
that even more money will be necessary now. Everyone has a breaking point -
February 25 might be yours, and you'll have to decide whether it's time to
fold your tent and go, or continue to invest in it. After you get beyond
this month, however, you'll be home free.
No matter what you decide late this month, the coming three months will be
bright and beautiful for home and real estate matters. If you were
interested in renting or buying a new apartment or house, you would find a
sunny, large space, with a beautiful view and large closets, for with
Jupiter helping you, your search will bring you to something that special.
Accept nothing less! (You might find something less, but keep looking!)
You can count on getting outstanding family support too in the coming months
, so if you need money for a down payment on a house, or money to help you
pay your rent because you are temporarily out of work, it looks like you
will be able to count on a parent or other kind relative to lend you the
money you need.
If you don't want to move into a brand new space, you may remodel or
renovate, or simply make repairs. You might do things on a small scale, such
as to clean out closets, or add accessories and appointments to your home
that would add just the right touch. Buy housewares, new decorative pillows,
and plants - you decide, but find ways to make your home a true reflection
of you.
This month's forecast would not be complete without taking about romance and
Valentine's Day! Things look good, dear Capricorn! (To my Brazilian readers
, I know Valentine's Day falls in June for you, but just know this month has
some upbeat moments that attached Capricorns will notice!)
Venus rules your fifth house of true love, and happily, this month from
February 4 -28, Venus will be in Capricorn and help you to increase your
charisma many times over. Not only will your magnetism be strong, but you
will also find that any efforts to change or polish your appearance will be
met with many compliments. This would be a great time to buy new clothes or
take a trip to the salon or barber shop.
Pluto and Venus will join forces on Wednesday, February 9, a date I would
like you to watch for a possible culmination to a romantic relationship.
This day may bring an exciting episode, for the moon will be in Taurus, a
perfect place for you, so cross your fingers - this day could be special.
Valentine's Day falls on Monday, February 14, and the moon will be in your
opposite, water sign of Cancer, and a wonderful place for the moon to be!
Let your partner lead the way - you'll enjoy all the preparations he or she
makes. I also am happy that the full moon, February 18, will fall close
enough to Valentine's Day to fan passions of love. This could turn out to be
quite a sexy, affectionate Valentine's Day for you!
It seems Monday will be best for you to celebrate your love, not over the
proceeding weekend, for on Saturday and Sunday the moon will be in Gemini,
an air sign that does not blend as well with your Sun sign. I am splitting
hairs, though, because let's face it, you've got the whole month of Venus'
protection! Not bad, I'd say!
If you are single and are frustrated at not being able to meet anyone
special to date, you should be encouraged by the impending entry of Jupiter
to Taurus for the first time since 2000. Jupiter will spend a full year in
your true love sector, and you are getting close! You've waited 11 years to
get this awesome level of cosmic help! You will already see encouraging
developments in May, only three months from now.
For now, your best romantic dates if you are single and not dating, or if
you are attached and happy: February 4-6, 9-10, 14, 15, 19, 22-23, and 26-28.
The month ends on a lovely note, with the move of Mars into your travel
sector. You might decide to take a little trip nearby, perhaps over the
weekend of February 26-27 when the moon will be in Capricorn (including most
of Monday, too). Mars' move into Pisces will give you immediate relief from
all the expenses you may have to deal with, for they will drop now, and
with less need to pound the calculator, will open you up for more leisure
time and fun.
Mars in Pisces will also put greater emphasis on communicating, networking,
teaching, studying, lecturing, translating, writing, and editing. One of
these areas could become very important to you by early March, for next
month you will notice this emphasis will grow even more than it will now.
You've got many pots on your stove, bubbling away. All of it is due to come
to something amazing.
I know you've been through many adjustments since the eclipses started to
fall in Capricorn-Cancer in July 2009. Your transition to a new life has
begun, and when you are finished with the process later this year (in July),
you will see that you've come to a much better place of the mind and heart.
Recent eclipses in Capricorn have caused the tectonic plates of your life to
shift. Over the past 18 months, many Capricorns saw immediate changes come
up, often involving a close relationship (personal or business in nature.)
News was either joyous or jarring but it was clear that your life was
quickly morphing to something very new and different from what it used to be
. Your career was also moving into a whole new phase, something you saw very
vividly last October and that has continued to evolve ever since. Often
when vast changes take place, financial ones do, too. This month you can
work on rebuilding your financial future, or at the very least increase your
cash flow.
The new moon in your income sector, February 2, will help you negotiate
either a raise or a better salary for a new position. You must, however, act
immediately, for the window of opportunity will only be open for two weeks
from this date. What makes this new moon special is that Saturn, your ruler,
will be so perfectly angled to the new moon, the Sun, and Mars, making this
an ideal time to get a new position that provides you the stability and
security that you crave. This is a rare moment!
Your expenses will continue to run higher than usual until February 22, the
date Mars will exit your personal resource sector. Still, with the need to
spend more, you'll find the need to make more, and that may give you the
impetus to assertively look at your options.
The full moon February 18 also seems to bring an important financial moment,
as it appears you will owe someone money within four days of this date.
Alternatively, by February 18 you may have assembled all your tax records
for your accountant, and if so, you will feel very accomplished, and that
would be a good way to use the full moon's energy. No matter what happens at
the full moon, you will be motivated to make more money. Although you may
assume it will be hard to find a new pot of gold, you will actually have a
bit of luck on your side. Keep searching for ways to increase your income -
you are likely to hit on the answer.
If you have to sign a contract, you should not sign close to this full moon,
February 18. Do so on February 4-5, 9, or at the latest, February 14 when
Saturn and Mercury will be beautifully oriented, sending you gifts of
One of the best areas of your life right now concerns your home, and family
and real estate investments. On February 25, however, you may have to make
an adjustment to a negotiation concerning a sale, purchase, rental, or
contractor deal. Someone may try to negotiate a hard deal, and you may feel
a need to resist and stop talks, as you push away from the table. Or, it may
be that you have a venture or piece of property that needs more investment
- the choice now is whether to give it more, or leave.
Romantic relationships for you are likely to be either deliriously happy or
quite awful these days, as Capricorns are feeling emotions in the extreme.
Hopefully you are among those in the former group. If so, and you are dating
or in an established relationship with someone special, Valentine's Day
will allow your significant other to lead the way, as the moon will be in
your partnership sign of Cancer. Let him or her do so, for you will like the
If you have been unhappy with your partner, you may have just recently
broken up, or soon will. Keep your chin up - later this year, you will be
overjoyed with how quickly a new relationship develops, and it will likely
be quite stable, too. For now, be patient and show faith. Your romantic luck
starts in May and grows bigger through the balance of 2011.
By February's end, travel will beckon, and you'll have the time to take
small trips away. You will be content to go to a place close, not too far
from home. Little trips will be less demanding to prepare for and provide
just as much fun. In fact, you may become quite spontaneous - do!
Dates to note for Capricorn
You have your opportunity to ask for a raise or land an important new
position that will pay well within days after the new moon, February 2. With
Saturn so friendly, you have a rare chance to stabilize your career in just
the way you had hoped.
The full moon February 18 may find you paying a large bill or getting all
paperwork done for taxes.
Mars will keep your expenses high, a holdover from last month, until
February 22. After that, things will improve.
Romance is extreme for Capricorns, either very good or very bad - see how
you feel. Your long-range outlook for love is excellent, and one of the best
of any sign - keep that in mind!
Valentine's Day, February 14, puts the emphasis in the hands of your partner
, so sit back and enjoy having your partner take good care of you.
Your home and real estate should bring good news this month, although you
may have to revise arrangements near the challenge of Pluto to Jupiter,
February 25.
Travel could bring spontaneous fun in the last week, February 22-28.
Your best romantic dates if you are single and not dating, or attached and
happy: February 4-6, 9-10, 14, 15, 19, 22-23, and 26-28.
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xiexie !!!


【在 y*****g 的大作中提到】
: 本人护照上现在还有有效地L2 visa stamp到2015年3月,之前一个签证也是L2. 签发地
: 是芬兰赫尔辛基,护照是中国护照。
: 去年第一次拿到1年的 H1b,今天续 h1b 延了3年。 想出国把visa stamp从L2换成H1b.
: 老公的L1已经注销。
: 请问我可以去Tijuana签证吗?

导演: 赵晨阳
编剧: 崔洁
主演: 宋丹丹 / 周冬齐 / 张洪杰 / 傅晶 / 姜妍

【在 c******n 的大作中提到】
: ebay上买的可靠不可靠? 尝试自己维修失败, 不过好歹知道怎么换了。
: xiexie !!!


【在 z*********n 的大作中提到】
: 第一晚上捉到0只
: 第二天下班里边好多蜗牛
: 今年早上一看除了好多蜗牛,还好多鼻涕虫
: 虫子们前赴后继,今日有酒今日醉,哈哈哈

ebay is the cheapest place you can get

【在 c******n 的大作中提到】
: ebay上买的可靠不可靠? 尝试自己维修失败, 不过好歹知道怎么换了。
: xiexie !!!


【在 r*****r 的大作中提到】
: 上个片片
★ 发自iPhone App: ChineseWeb 7.8
replacement part还算可靠吧,反正都是咱们中国人卖的,还算物美价廉吧,我们公司
修配件都是从CA,TX,NYC的ebay seller那儿order的。
你T61风扇怎么了?有fan error报警?

【在 c******n 的大作中提到】
: ebay上买的可靠不可靠? 尝试自己维修失败, 不过好歹知道怎么换了。
: xiexie !!!

咦? 怎么又。。。。?

【在 z*********n 的大作中提到】
: 第一晚上捉到0只
: 第二天下班里边好多蜗牛
: 今年早上一看除了好多蜗牛,还好多鼻涕虫
: 虫子们前赴后继,今日有酒今日醉,哈哈哈
