这让生物猥琐男情何以堪!!! (转载)
这让生物猥琐男情何以堪!!! (转载)# Immigration - 落地生根
【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
发信人: sgrastar (Theodore), 信区: WaterWorld
标 题: 这让生物猥琐男情何以堪!!!
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 19 23:46:24 2011, 美东)
Google Science Fair 2011 年获奖者全是女生, 高中生Shree Bose因为有关卵巢癌细
Three girls from different parts of the country defied the status quo
earlier this week -- by snagging the top title in a global science fair for
each of their age categories.
Lauren Hodge from Pennsylvania took home the title for age category 13-14,
Naomi Shah from Oregon won among the 15-16 group and Shree Bose of Texas
topped the 17-18 category. The Google Science Fair saw more than 7,500
entries from over 90 countries around the world, ABC News reports.
Hodge, Shah and Bose have been making the news for their gender. All three
are girls, and girls have long been said to be uninterested and
underrepresented in science, technology, math and engineering.
“As a girl, to see that my gender actually is going to come into this field
that’s been so dominated by men is exciting to me, and to be a part of
that is even more exciting,” Bose told The New York Times.
But also of note is that all three girls hail from the United States, a
country whose students that studies have shown to be outperformed in math
and science by foreign counterparts in Singapore and China, among others.
Bose's winning entry provided insight into some female resistance to
chemotherapy treating ovarian cancer. Shah's researched the connection
between air pollutants in respiratory diseases and Hodge's examined how
different methods of marinating chicken could create carcinogens.


【在 s******r 的大作中提到】
: 【 以下文字转载自 WaterWorld 讨论区 】
: 发信人: sgrastar (Theodore), 信区: WaterWorld
: 标 题: 这让生物猥琐男情何以堪!!!
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 19 23:46:24 2011, 美东)
: Google Science Fair 2011 年获奖者全是女生, 高中生Shree Bose因为有关卵巢癌细
: 胞对化疗抗药性的研究获大奖。由此可见,大多生物wsn的所谓研究高中生就可以胜任
: 。。。
: Three girls from different parts of the country defied the status quo
: earlier this week -- by snagging the top title in a global science fair for
: each of their age categories.
