EB1A 真心求评估# Immigration - 落地生根
1 楼
Major: rehabilitation science (medicine)
paper: 8
conference abstracts/oral presentations:50+
review: 40+ times for 4 journals
citations: 40+ (我的专业citations实在增加的很慢)
media report: a small website 提了我一篇paper.
awards: 学校的,估计不算。
Have been a research coordinator for 4 NIH RO1 grants (do not know if it
will help)
Major: rehabilitation science (medicine)
paper: 8
conference abstracts/oral presentations:50+
review: 40+ times for 4 journals
citations: 40+ (我的专业citations实在增加的很慢)
media report: a small website 提了我一篇paper.
awards: 学校的,估计不算。
Have been a research coordinator for 4 NIH RO1 grants (do not know if it
will help)