从网上抄的, 我就是这么干的,除掉了所有的自引 Excluding self-citation in Google Scholar By Brinxmat It seems that it is possible (to some extent at least) to exclude self- citation in Google Scholar, this is how: Search for author name in the usual way Click “cited by number“ Identify how Google Scholar represents the name you want to exclude in the hits (typically “A Name”) Add a standard Google query string which excludes the name you identified in point 3 to your current citation url in the following format &q=-“A Name” A practical example of removing self-reference: Aspects of the theory of syntax by N Chomsky without self citation: http://scholar.google.com/scholar?cites=7563750853896762876&hl= Chomsky” This reduces the original number of hits from “around 12,350″ to “around 11,600″.