报个timeline, 请大家帮预测下什么时候能绿# Immigration - 落地生根
1 楼
When I first saw an Asian man from yahoo news, I was not feeling well. Then
in another new ( http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/04/02/1-reportedly-dead-several-wounded-in-shooting-at-california-medical-school/ ), it said of a Korean. What's wrong with this person?
Pray for the victims and their families and friends. Hope no Chinese get
in another new ( http://www.foxnews.com/us/2012/04/02/1-reportedly-dead-several-wounded-in-shooting-at-california-medical-school/ ), it said of a Korean. What's wrong with this person?
Pray for the victims and their families and friends. Hope no Chinese get