Bart Ehrman 的最新著作
Forged: Writing in the Name of God--Why the Bible's Authors Are Not Who We
Think They Are
Bart D. Ehrman (Author)
The evocative title tells it all and hints at the tone of sensationalism
that pervades this book. Those familiar with the earlier work of Ehrman, a
distinguished professor of religious studies at the University of North
Carolina, Chapel Hill, and author of more than 20 books including Misquoting
Jesus, will not be surprised at the content of this one. Written in a
manner accessible to nonspecialists, Ehrman argues that many books of the
New Testament are not simply written by people other than the ones to whom
they are attributed, but that they are deliberate forgeries. The word itself
connotes scandal and crime, and it appears on nearly every page. Indeed,
this book takes on an idea widely accepted by biblical scholars: that
writing in someone else's name was common practice and perfectly okay in
ancient times. Ehrman argues that it was not even then considered acceptable
—hence, a forgery. While many readers may wish for more evidence of the
charge, Ehrman's introduction to the arguments and debates among different
religious communities during the first few centuries and among the early
Christians themselves, though not the book's main point, is especially
valuable. (Apr.)
(c) Copyright PWxyz, LLC. All rights reserved.
Product Description
It is often said, even by critical scholars who should know better, that “
writing in the name of another” was widely accepted in antiquity. But New
York Times bestselling author Bart D. Ehrman dares to call it what it was:
literary forgery, a practice that was as scandalous then as it is today. In
Forged, Ehrman’s fresh and original research takes readers back to the
ancient world, where forgeries were used as weapons by unknown authors to
fend off attacks to their faith and establish their church. So, if many of
the books in the Bible were not in fact written by Jesus’s inner circle—
but by writers living decades later, with differing agendas in rival
communities—what does that do to the authority of Scripture?
Ehrman investigates ancient sources to:
* Reveal which New Testament books were outright forgeries.
* Explain how widely forgery was practiced by early Christian writers—
and how strongly it was condemned in the ancient world as fraudulent and
* Expose the deception in the history of the Christian religion.
Ehrman’s fascinating story of fraud and deceit is essential reading for
anyone interested in the truth about the Bible and the dubious origins of
Christianity’s sacred texts.
and happy new yr
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【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: Bart Ehrman 的最新著作
: http://www.amazon.com/Forged-Writing-God-Why-Bibles-Authors/dp/
: Forged: Writing in the Name of God--Why the Bible's Authors Are Not Who We
: Think They Are
: Bart D. Ehrman (Author)
: The evocative title tells it all and hints at the tone of sensationalism
: that pervades this book. Those familiar with the earlier work of Ehrman, a
: distinguished professor of religious studies at the University of North
: Carolina, Chapel Hill, and author of more than 20 books including Misquoting
: Jesus, will not be surprised at the content of this one. Written in a

Thanks for sharing


【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: Bart Ehrman 的最新著作
: http://www.amazon.com/Forged-Writing-God-Why-Bibles-Authors/dp/
: Forged: Writing in the Name of God--Why the Bible's Authors Are Not Who We
: Think They Are
: Bart D. Ehrman (Author)
: The evocative title tells it all and hints at the tone of sensationalism
: that pervades this book. Those familiar with the earlier work of Ehrman, a
: distinguished professor of religious studies at the University of North
: Carolina, Chapel Hill, and author of more than 20 books including Misquoting
: Jesus, will not be surprised at the content of this one. Written in a

Thanks for sharing


【在 E*****m 的大作中提到】
: Bart Ehrman 的最新著作
: http://www.amazon.com/Forged-Writing-God-Why-Bibles-Authors/dp/
: Forged: Writing in the Name of God--Why the Bible's Authors Are Not Who We
: Think They Are
: Bart D. Ehrman (Author)
: The evocative title tells it all and hints at the tone of sensationalism
: that pervades this book. Those familiar with the earlier work of Ehrman, a
: distinguished professor of religious studies at the University of North
: Carolina, Chapel Hill, and author of more than 20 books including Misquoting
: Jesus, will not be surprised at the content of this one. Written in a

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