Java笔试题分享-Servlet# Java - 爪哇娇娃
1 楼
1. Which of the following best describes the differences between a GET
request and a POST request?
A GET requests are used when the browser needs to display graphic images
while POSTS are used to exchange text.
B GET requests are used when the browser needs to read data so the HTTP
request body is usually small whereas POST Requests send their data to
the server in the HTTP message body resulting in pote
1. Which of the following best describes the differences between a GET
request and a POST request?
A GET requests are used when the browser needs to display graphic images
while POSTS are used to exchange text.
B GET requests are used when the browser needs to read data so the HTTP
request body is usually small whereas POST Requests send their data to
the server in the HTTP message body resulting in pote