view templating technology
view templating technology# Java - 爪哇娇娃
The java web frameworks are more or less similar nowadays.
The biggest difference is the view templating technology IMHO.
People all agree MVC pattern should be used. However, in view,
you have presentation logic to wire view and model. How to separate
presentatino logic from view becomes a big design difference.
Generally, people agree view should be dumb so that you cannot
change model or have control logic in it. Sun recommends having
view helper. They used JSP for the implementation, present
nice post about UI-resue...

【在 g*****g 的大作中提到】
: The java web frameworks are more or less similar nowadays.
: The biggest difference is the view templating technology IMHO.
: People all agree MVC pattern should be used. However, in view,
: you have presentation logic to wire view and model. How to separate
: presentatino logic from view becomes a big design difference.
: Generally, people agree view should be dumb so that you cannot
: change model or have control logic in it. Sun recommends having
: view helper. They used JSP for the implementation, present

I'm still learning all this stuff. Both wicket and stripes
look interesting to me :)
I guess it comes down to how much more code you want to write
in exchange for better previewability and reusability. To
what extent they are better is still being argued between people
who choose wicket and everyone else.
Another question is, how much of JS/html can be replaced with
server side code? 10%? 50%? This has a lot to do with the
actual benefit you can get.
That aside, what components do you think shou

Previewablity is about adding mockup block, if you don't want to
bother, you don't have to. Regardless, you can use browser to
have a preview. Reusablity makes you write less, not more code.
You can always start quick and dirty, and refactor common code
when you are seeing duplicate piling up. After all, we are talking
plain java here.
For common ones, you can always find it in the package. For paticular
widget, you probably want to find an pure client ajax widget, and wrap
it. And next time yo

【在 k***r 的大作中提到】
: I'm still learning all this stuff. Both wicket and stripes
: look interesting to me :)
: I guess it comes down to how much more code you want to write
: in exchange for better previewability and reusability. To
: what extent they are better is still being argued between people
: who choose wicket and everyone else.
: Another question is, how much of JS/html can be replaced with
: server side code? 10%? 50%? This has a lot to do with the
: actual benefit you can get.
: That aside, what components do you think shou
