anybody familiar with Liferay?# Java - 爪哇娇娃
1 楼
this stupid thing doesn't even have proper documentation, docs for different
versions cover different things: devel guide is present in 4.2 but not in 5
the books written on this look like those books we wrote for profit during
but it does look nice (better looking than Jetspeed2), so we have to use it
anybody has some good documentation on this?
particularly I found that you could do StrutsPortlet , and same example
plugins use MVCPortlet, but no docs mention these.
versions cover different things: devel guide is present in 4.2 but not in 5
the books written on this look like those books we wrote for profit during
but it does look nice (better looking than Jetspeed2), so we have to use it
anybody has some good documentation on this?
particularly I found that you could do StrutsPortlet , and same example
plugins use MVCPortlet, but no docs mention these.