Chess question# Java - 爪哇娇娃
1 楼
I need guidance on how to model a chess game that involves two human players.
Since this a Java oriented game and I am a new user as well as a learner, I
need to be guided on the number of classes that can be incorporated in this
game as well as the substantial roles of each class. I have tried examining
some of the classes to involve the Board class, Piece class, legal move
checker which extends board as well as the GUI on which the entire game shall
be run. I need guidance on how I can join al
Since this a Java oriented game and I am a new user as well as a learner, I
need to be guided on the number of classes that can be incorporated in this
game as well as the substantial roles of each class. I have tried examining
some of the classes to involve the Board class, Piece class, legal move
checker which extends board as well as the GUI on which the entire game shall
be run. I need guidance on how I can join al