how to do this???# Java - 爪哇娇娃
Is there any software that i can use to do the following job? otherwise, i
have to do is all from scratch:
1: a customer order come in, for example, a post card design job
we put all information regarding this order into computer,
2: then, the grapsh designer open the web page to look at the requirement
about the post card, create
a graph for the post card,then upoad the post card to server through web
page,and notify another staff.
3: the other staff got the email, open the web page again fro
Why do you thing it is difficult? It is just a tracking system and basically
the design of program logic is very simple as following:
Order Request In -> Accumulate Editing * -> Product Done
Basically you just need to sign a version number for each accumulate editing
and use the latest version for the done product. Everything else is just as
plain as standard routine to use J2EE container to put your logic in and make
it available on the web. I did not see any complication on this project.


【在 a****a 的大作中提到】
: Is there any software that i can use to do the following job? otherwise, i
: have to do is all from scratch:
: 1: a customer order come in, for example, a post card design job
: we put all information regarding this order into computer,
: 2: then, the grapsh designer open the web page to look at the requirement
: about the post card, create
: a graph for the post card,then upoad the post card to server through web
: page,and notify another staff.
: 3: the other staff got the email, open the web page again fro

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