1 楼
some of them
·Expression calculation, input a string contains +-*/ and numbers, e.g., 12
4-2)/(-5), output integer
·Representation of java objects and classes in memory (e.g., vitual table)
·garbage collection algorithm
·Count set bits in an integer
·linked list copy. Each node in the list has a point to the next, a point
a date area, and size of the data area.
Given memcpy(src, target, size)
write cpy(srcList, targetList) to copy the data in one list to the other
if memory is not enough in targetList, then throws exception
·implement methods to find a string in a string array
·Expression calculation, input a string contains +-*/ and numbers, e.g., 12
4-2)/(-5), output integer
·Representation of java objects and classes in memory (e.g., vitual table)
·garbage collection algorithm
·Count set bits in an integer
·linked list copy. Each node in the list has a point to the next, a point
a date area, and size of the data area.
Given memcpy(src, target, size)
write cpy(srcList, targetList) to copy the data in one list to the other
if memory is not enough in targetList, then throws exception
·implement methods to find a string in a string array