Staff Scientist Position (Bioinformatics), Gladstone Resear (转载)
Staff Scientist Position (Bioinformatics), Gladstone Resear (转载)# JobHunting - 待字闺中
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: loadingdye (Enter), 信区: Biology
标 题: Staff Scientist Position (Bioinformatics), Gladstone Research Institute, UCSF
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Mar 16 17:31:56 2014, 美东)
Screening questions:
1. Do you have experience analyzing proteomics mass spectrometry data?
2. Do you have experience analyzing ChIP-seq and/or RNA-seq data in a
Linux environment?
3. Do you have experience generating and analyzing biological networks?
4. Do you have experience with scripting languages such as Python or Perl?
5. Do you have experience creating or maintaining relational databases
such as a MySQL database?
6. Have you worked in a distributed computing environment with a queuing
system such as SGE/OGE or PBS?
The Gladstone Institutes is an independent, not-for-profit research
institution affiliated with the University of California San Francisco (UCSF
), contributing to the health and well being of all people through medical
research, education, and outreach in the areas of heart disease, HIV/AIDS,
and neurological disease. Gladstone is composed of three separate institutes
and approximately 350 employees. Our employees receive exceptional benefits
. We are located in an award winning building adjacent to UCSF's Mission Bay
Campus. Gladstone has consistently ranked as one of the top places to work
in academia in the United States. The Gladstone Bioinformatics group
provides an active environment for developing solutions from experimental
design to analysis and visualization.
Job Description:
We are recruiting a staff scientist with a strong record in bioinformatics
and/or biostatistics research to collaborate with an NIH-funded team of
Gladstone and UCSF scientists investigating regulatory networks in heart
development. Main duties will involve developing and maintaining scientific
databases, performing data analysis of large-scale genomic and proteomic
data, and developing novel approaches for integrating gene expression,
chromatin, transcription factor binding, and protein-protein interaction
The candidate should have a PhD in Bioinformatics, Computer Science,
Biostatistics, or similar field and at least 3 years experience processing,
analyzing, and modeling large biological datasets. We are looking for a
candidate who can develop and apply new approaches to integrate protein-
protein interaction networks, protein-DNA binding data, and gene expression
within and across samples. Specific experience analyzing proteomics mass
spectrometry data and/or next-generation sequence data (RNA-seq and ChIP-seq
) is required. Prior experience developing methods to integrate multiple
data types is highly desired. The candidate must additionally have
experience developing pipelines for analysis using R and scripting languages
in a Linux environment. Knowledge of programming languages (e.g., Java, C/C
++) and best practices is also important. Additional useful experience
includes the ability to work in a distributed computing environment using a
queuing system such as SGE or PBS, experience with database programming (e.g
., MySQL), and a demonstrated ability to create data visualization tools. We
need a good communicator who can work across disciplines, and a self-
starter who can work effectively on projects with long development times.
Please address how your experience fulfills these requirements in a cover
letter and resume, including contact information for three references.