2 楼
There is no shortage of American Tech Workers. They have been discarded by
corporate American and those still working keep silent in fear of losing
their jobs. Just drive around Seattle, Portland, San Jose, Austin, etc.
around the tech areas. Apartments filled with Indians. The last contract I
had I was the one of 2 Americans among 500 in the building and the Indian VP
couldn't wait to replace me when he found someone who would take a bit less
per hour. Everywhere I interview the managers are Indian now, the workers
are Indian, the work is substandard. Greed is the name of the game for the
corporation and the Indians working for them. This is the second fall of
Rome. But people won't notice because they are too enamored with their large
houses and fancy cars that the banks give them low interest rate loans for
to lend the illusion of the fulfillment of the American "dream".
There is no shortage of American Tech Workers. They have been discarded by
corporate American and those still working keep silent in fear of losing
their jobs. Just drive around Seattle, Portland, San Jose, Austin, etc.
around the tech areas. Apartments filled with Indians. The last contract I
had I was the one of 2 Americans among 500 in the building and the Indian VP
couldn't wait to replace me when he found someone who would take a bit less
per hour. Everywhere I interview the managers are Indian now, the workers
are Indian, the work is substandard. Greed is the name of the game for the
corporation and the Indians working for them. This is the second fall of
Rome. But people won't notice because they are too enamored with their large
houses and fancy cars that the banks give them low interest rate loans for
to lend the illusion of the fulfillment of the American "dream".
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已经回暖到了 195. 恩,赞
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