4 楼
if it is respirator you are talking about then it is not as fun as you think
. you need a good seal between your face and the respirator in order to be
effective. in hot days you will sweat pretty fast with the mask on and the
seal will compromise. people usually go thru medical clearance, breathing
test and face fit before wearing that kind of mask. it might as well be
better stick two cottons in the nose.
【在 l**********i 的大作中提到】
: 在北京的同学骑车上班,肺受不了,口罩根本没用。请问美国有什么防毒面具吗?哪里
: 可以买到?
. you need a good seal between your face and the respirator in order to be
effective. in hot days you will sweat pretty fast with the mask on and the
seal will compromise. people usually go thru medical clearance, breathing
test and face fit before wearing that kind of mask. it might as well be
better stick two cottons in the nose.
【在 l**********i 的大作中提到】
: 在北京的同学骑车上班,肺受不了,口罩根本没用。请问美国有什么防毒面具吗?哪里
: 可以买到?
5 楼
【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: if it is respirator you are talking about then it is not as fun as you think
: . you need a good seal between your face and the respirator in order to be
: effective. in hot days you will sweat pretty fast with the mask on and the
: seal will compromise. people usually go thru medical clearance, breathing
: test and face fit before wearing that kind of mask. it might as well be
: better stick two cottons in the nose.
【在 R******d 的大作中提到】
: if it is respirator you are talking about then it is not as fun as you think
: . you need a good seal between your face and the respirator in order to be
: effective. in hot days you will sweat pretty fast with the mask on and the
: seal will compromise. people usually go thru medical clearance, breathing
: test and face fit before wearing that kind of mask. it might as well be
: better stick two cottons in the nose.
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