How did the first semester go? Are you guys happy with your grades? How is job
search going? How do you like the spring semester? I did ok in my first
semester, did well with some subjects and terrible with others. just wondering
if anybody wants to discuss exam taking strategy and how to improve this
semester... Any comment is welcome.
i cannot find summer intern, sigh!!!!!!!!!!!!
do not wanna go to class..... wanna go back home sleep.......


【在 t****u 的大作中提到】
: How did the first semester go? Are you guys happy with your grades? How is job
: search going? How do you like the spring semester? I did ok in my first
: semester, did well with some subjects and terrible with others. just wondering
: if anybody wants to discuss exam taking strategy and how to improve this
: semester... Any comment is welcome.

seems like paying jobs are hard to come by, non-paying jobs are plentiful.
regarding exam taking, check out www.leews.com


【在 t****u 的大作中提到】
: How did the first semester go? Are you guys happy with your grades? How is job
: search going? How do you like the spring semester? I did ok in my first
: semester, did well with some subjects and terrible with others. just wondering
: if anybody wants to discuss exam taking strategy and how to improve this
: semester... Any comment is welcome.

as long as your writing/analyzing skill is fine, I dont think any particular
exam stragety helps. the most important thing is how you understand the

【在 o****e 的大作中提到】
: seems like paying jobs are hard to come by, non-paying jobs are plentiful.
: regarding exam taking, check out www.leews.com
: job
: wondering

this is exactly the problem.
for non-law undergrad majors, this skill has to be acquired during 1L. the
problem is that US schools don't teach jack on analyzing skills, if you can't
figure it out by the end of 1L, you are screwed in the grades game. most
professors can't even explain what "analyzing skill" means. they never teach
you how to disect a fact pattern, how to select the right tools, and how to
look between the words for possible arguments like r

do believe that those who get the best scores probably are the best students
That I agree, A students are much better at lawyer-like thinking compared with
B or B+ students. But, the issue is, law schools don't teach you how to turn
yourself from a B student into an A student. I have the feeling that most
people's rankings stay about the same after their first semester throughout
law school, with a few exceptions. Everybody works equally hard, actually the
B+ students might even work har
Hey I am happy that my question raised this discussion. I have been wondering
about this exam thing all these days. Several thoughts:
1. depend a lot on how the exam is and how the professor grades it. I got a A
in contract. the exame is extremely hard. the multiple choice part is funny,
you have six different answers, from A to E, then the correctest answer gives
you 3 points, the ok answers (maybe a couple of them) gives you 1 point, then
there are 0 point answers and -1 answers. The essay que
Interesting. However, I think civil procedure is the most difficult and
interesting course while contracts is the simplest. Most of my classmates
think so too. Too bad none of my exams had multiple choice questions.
Anyway, I think for most of us, professor's style is the most determinantal
factor for grades.


【在 t****u 的大作中提到】
: Hey I am happy that my question raised this discussion. I have been wondering
: about this exam thing all these days. Several thoughts:
: 1. depend a lot on how the exam is and how the professor grades it. I got a A
: in contract. the exame is extremely hard. the multiple choice part is funny,
: you have six different answers, from A to E, then the correctest answer gives
: you 3 points, the ok answers (maybe a couple of them) gives you 1 point, then
: there are 0 point answers and -1 answers. The essay que

interesting discussion here. well, i do believe professor style carries a lot
of weight in your grades if you want A/A-. almost everyone understand the
basic rules, but professors will have different approaches in testing them. I
have A in civ pro, but suck in torts. But torts is the easist course for 1L. i
just didn't like the prof's teaching at all.
so explore the professors more, maybe it will help.
BTW, law school teaches analyzing skills all the time... it is one theme of
legal education h
interesting discussion here. I am an LL.M.from China, but I got straight A
(GPA 3.8) last semester. Here we LLMs are graded the same as JDs, the only
exception is extra time for foreign students.
Some hints for how to figure out the different styles of your professors:
1) past exam questions. Normally will put on reserve in the lib. Copy it and
Read it earlier in the semester along with the textbook material instead of
waiting till the end of semester.
2) Prepare a 10 to 20 pages outline when go

【在 f******r 的大作中提到】
: interesting discussion here. well, i do believe professor style carries a lot
: of weight in your grades if you want A/A-. almost everyone understand the
: basic rules, but professors will have different approaches in testing them. I
: have A in civ pro, but suck in torts. But torts is the easist course for 1L. i
: just didn't like the prof's teaching at all.
: so explore the professors more, maybe it will help.
: BTW, law school teaches analyzing skills all the time... it is one theme of
: legal education h

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