邻居的车在刮大风时被刮倒的树砸坏,由于我们住在学校的公寓,所以他们向学校的保 险公司索赔,但保险公司回答Action of God, 不赔,除非去告。这样的官司到small claim去告,会告赢吗?
2 楼
Sue them for failure to properly maintain their property(plants). It's probably not worth it. How about car insurance? they should be covered!
3 楼
One neighbor's car got totaled (worth $2500) and the other got some scratch. The latter was covered from car insurance after $250 premium. Unfortunately the former only had liability. Some of the roots of those trees are still exposed to outside,which is kinda hazardous for all the tenants and pedestrains.