domestic violence question# Law - 律师事务所
1 楼
下面是俺二月21号的RFE。贴到这里来给没收到RFE的同志看看。 也请有经验的同志帮
1. Please submit an evaluation of the beneficiary’s education equating
the beneficiary’s education to that of an accredited United States college
or university in accordance with the applicable regulations. The evaluation
must be by a reliable credentials evaluation service which specializes in
evaluating foreign education credentials or by an official who has authority
to grant college-level credit
这个是俺办H1的时候梁律师在WES(world education se
1. Please submit an evaluation of the beneficiary’s education equating
the beneficiary’s education to that of an accredited United States college
or university in accordance with the applicable regulations. The evaluation
must be by a reliable credentials evaluation service which specializes in
evaluating foreign education credentials or by an official who has authority
to grant college-level credit
这个是俺办H1的时候梁律师在WES(world education se