我和朋友想找一些中国歌曲的双钢琴或者四手联弹的乐谱,想问问有什么可以推荐吗? 不知道到哪里去找这样的乐谱。。。 我的level低一些所以曲目最好至少有一个part容易一点:)。我们弹过Schubert的F minor fantasy 和Mozart的双钢琴作品, 只要不超出这些太多我都可以接受。另一部 分难一些没问题。黄河协奏曲这样的估计我哪一半都弹不了。。。 谢谢!!!
30W per yr or 3yr total? 30W 3yr total really is nothing. 10W/yr he can barely support one phd student. calculation: assume your adviser's salary is 1W/month, 3 month summer pay: 3W, plus overhead: ~5W a phd student, altogether (stipend + tuition + overhead): usually > 5W so 10W has already gone. then what about travel (for conference), publication (could be expensive), computer management fee (some department charge pretty good money to every prof for this), and other misc costs? as a student,