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my friend ask me to search several books, could you tell me where they can be
downloaded? or where I can buy them? thanks!
these books are listed as follow:
1)comparative criminal justice systems:A topical approach (4th
Edition),by Philip L. Reichel
2)comparatice criminal justice systems,by Erika S.
3)lessons from international/comparative criminology/criminal
justice,by John A. Winterdyk
4)comparative criminal theory,by George P Fletcher
5)comparative and international criminal justice:traditi
downloaded? or where I can buy them? thanks!
these books are listed as follow:
1)comparative criminal justice systems:A topical approach (4th
Edition),by Philip L. Reichel
2)comparatice criminal justice systems,by Erika S.
3)lessons from international/comparative criminology/criminal
justice,by John A. Winterdyk
4)comparative criminal theory,by George P Fletcher
5)comparative and international criminal justice:traditi