The odd couples 2 和Planes, Trains & Automobiles。
Memorable quotes for
The Odd Couple II (1998)
Felix Ungar: [waking up in the car] How long was I asleep?
Oscar Madison: [driving] I don't know. I didn't know you wanted me to time
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Sheriff: Okay, now explain to me one more time how the rental car caught
fire and exploded.
Oscar Madison: He called me a shithead and punched the car, it went rolling
down a cliff.
Sheriff: Why did you punch the car?
Felix Ungar: Because the shithead threw the directions out the window and
left my suitcase at the rental car agency.
Sheriff: Why did you throw the directions out the window?
Oscar Madison: Because they caught fire from my cigar ashes and were burning
on my crotch!
Felix Ungar: The first time he's been hot down there for years.
Oscar Madison: I just wanted you to know what it felt like down there...
Sheriff: OK, boys, settle down. You two don't get along too well, do you?
Oscar Madison: Oh, that's not true. There was a period of 17 years that was
wonderful. Then unfortunately we saw each other again.
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Felix Ungar: Where's my suitcase?
Oscar Madison: Your suitcase? In the trunk.
Felix Ungar: No.
Oscar Madison: No?
Felix Ungar: No.
Oscar Madison: Did you look good?
Felix Ungar: [holds his arms apart] The trunk is this big. It takes about a
second and a half to look in there. Your 1927 piece of cardboard is in there
, but my suitcase isn't.
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Felix Ungar: Look, we have to have a plan, agreed?
Oscar Madison: Agreed.
Felix Ungar: Okay. What do you think the plan should be?
Oscar Madison: I don't care. I agreed. I did my part.
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Oscar Madison: There are faster ways of delivery now. FedEx, UPS, fax...
Felix Ungar: Oh, you're gonna fax me my suitcase?
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Felix Ungar: They've probably got poisonous spiders out here.
Oscar Madison: Get out of here, what are they gonna live on? You think they'
re waiting around for two schmucks like us to show up?
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Oscar Madison: Was it San Marino?
Felix Ungar: Not San Marino, maybe San Quentino.
Oscar Madison: Not San Quentino, San Sorina.
Felix Ungar: No not San Sorina.
Oscar Madison: San Mateo. San Clemente. Roberto Clemente.
Felix Ungar: Sancho Pancho. Pancho Gonzales.
Oscar Madison: Ferrando Lamas, Ricardo Montalban.
Felix Ungar: Ricky Ricardo!
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Felix Ungar: Los Pintos, Los Bresis, Los Picos. Sound familiar?
Oscar Madison: Yeah they're hotels in Aucopoco.
Felix Ungar: Ha ha! Look a car has to come from some direction. I'm gonna go
stand on the other side of the road.
Oscar Madison: So we can catch all the heavy traffic at five o'clock at Los
Felix Ungar: Got a better idea, Los Idiot?
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Oscar Madison: OK, Felix, make out a timetable: when you're gonna eat, when
you're gonna pee, when you're gonna fart, when you're gonna cry, and when
you're gonna sleep, because that's the last time I'm pulling off the freeway
, ya hear?
Felix Ungar: Oh, and I suppose you never have to pee, huh?
Oscar Madison: I do it for a half hour in the morning, then I'm through for
the day.
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Felix Ungar: You got a lawyer?
Oscar Madison: Yeah, in Florida. He's 92. It takes him six hours to walk to
the telephone. Case will be over.
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[Felix and Oscar are sprayed by a crop dusting airplane]
Felix Ungar: What the hell was that?
Oscar Madison: They purposely did it. They hate New Yorkers.
Felix Ungar: Who's going to pick us up now? We look like a couple of
Pillsbury Doughboys.
Oscar Madison: Well we'd better get out of the sun before we start to rise.
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Oscar Madison: It took us 2 hours to get here. It's gonna take us 5 hours to
go back because I don't know how the hell we got here in the first place.
Then we'd have to make three stops: one for you to pee, one for you to let
locked in the john, one to pay a kid $5 to get out, and then we'd have to
stop again for you to eat. Do you understand what I'm talking about?
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Felix Ungar: What do the directions say?
Oscar Madison: They're gone, I threw them out the window.
Felix Ungar: [laughing] Oh, you threw them out the window... you threw them
out the window? What the hell made you do a stupid thing like that?
Oscar Madison: Well, I had them on my lap so I could read them. I lit my
cigar, the hot ashes fell on my crotch, the map caught fire. I had the
choice of either finding the house, or burning up one of the most important
parts of my body. Guess which I picked?
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Peaches: I'm having a dinner party Friday night, we're short one man.
Oscar Madison: How about Abe here, he's a short man.
Peaches: You can run Oscar, but you can't hide! See ya.
Oscar Madison: Oh, that's such an original expression. I hate a woman who
talks like Muhammed Ali.
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Oscar Madison: What's the matter, don't you look at a good ass anymore?
Abe: I'm not allowed to look at Pastrami, why should I look at an ass?
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Wanda: He's like my third husband, he should rest in peace.
Oscar Madison: How do you know he's dead? Maybe he's just bluffing.
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Oscar Madison: Felix, I haven't seen you in what, 8, 9 years?
Felix Ungar: Seventeen! Seventeen years, Oscar, you couldn't remember that
we haven't seen each other for seventeen years?
Oscar Madison: To tell you the truth I didn't dwell on it. Alright,
seventeen years, so your hair got whiter, your ears got bigger, your nose
got longer, but you still retain that unique, elusive pain in the ass
quality that drives me berserk.
Felix Ungar: Oh really?
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Oscar Madison: We've always had bad chemistry, Felix. We mix like oil and
frozen yogurt.
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[Felix dumps half a dozen different pills on the table]
Oscar Madison: How do you know which ones to take?
Felix Ungar: Doesn't make any difference. Whatever they fix, I got.
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Felix Ungar: [clearing his sinuses] Snah!
Oscar Madison: Didn't you fix that yet?
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Oscar Madison: Don't get physical with me, Felix! I'm too old to hit, but I
can spit you to death!
Felix Ungar: In that suitcase was my black formal afternoon suit that I
bought to wear when I'm giving my daughter away in marriage. And in that
suitcase was a $6,000 Tiffany silver tray that I bought as a wedding present
. Oh, and in that suitcase was $10,000 in cash that I was going to give to
my son-in-law on his wedding day. Now, in your suitcase, the police are
going to find your broken, smashed, mutilated, and dissected body in the
event that you don't go back and find my fucking suitcase!
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Oscar Madison: Why don't we call Budget and ask them to deliver it?
Felix Ungar: Deliver, deliver where? You've already crisscrossed California
more than the covered wagons did a hundred years ago! What the hell are we
gonna tell them, follow the burnt pieces of directions on the freeway?
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Felix Ungar: Look at these shorts. I feel like I could be a cocktail
waitress at a crap game.
Oscar Madison: Yeah, if you wiggle your fanny right you can make double
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Thelma: You know, Oscar, if I didn't know better, I'd say a nice old
grandfather like you was trying to hit on a couple of ladies.
Oscar Madison: I'm not as old as I look. I had this plastic surgery done
recently, and the quack doctor botched it up.
Holly: Your friend doesn't say much, does he?
Oscar Madison: He's the doctor who botched it up.
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Oscar Madison: The wick is almost out, Felix. All I want is for the candle
to glow one last time rather than curse the darkness.
Felix Ungar: It's not going out, Oscar, not yours and not mine. But I still
have hope that somewhere out there we'll find the right lamplighter.
Oscar Madison: You know, we just used so many metaphors I forgot what the
hell we were talking about.
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Thelma: Oscar, what are two wide-awake girls going to do with one hunky,
funny guy?
Oscar Madison: Why don't we all write a suggestion on a piece of paper?
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Sheriff: Why did you take his toupee?
Felix Ungar: We didn't! A truck whizzed by and blew it off, huh?
Oscar Madison: Yeah. I tried to get it back. A bird sat on it, I shooed him,
and he flew away with the hairpiece.
Sheriff: You shot him? You had a gun?
Oscar Madison: No, no, not shot him, I shooed him. "Shoo, shoo!" Then a
hunter shot him, the bird fell on top of the car, and the hairpiece fell on
the windshield. I hope there's not gonna be a trial, because I'd hate to
repeat that story in court.
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Felix Ungar: Oscar, of all the fights that we've ever had, of all the
arguments that we've ever had...
Oscar Madison: We can continue talking because he's going to be on this for
a half-hour.
Felix Ungar: Of all the times that I've wanted to choke you by the throat,
this is the worst! If you say "trifecta" one more time, I'm going to choke
you until you are dead, and then that man can arrest me one more time for
one more crime one more time in his office, AND HE'S GONNA HAVE A FOURFECTA!
Oscar Madison: I think you can get a fourfecta in Cuba, but it's a cigar.
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Oscar Madison: Blanche, would you stop pointing your finger at me and
yelling. You got two other husbands here to do that with.
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Brucey Madison: Mom was married three times. You were married one time, and
then never again for thirty years. Hers were too many, yours were not enough
. So, tell me, what is wrong with it? What is it about marriage that
frightens everybody so much?
Oscar Madison: I don't know, Brucey. It's like baseball, either you can play
or you can't play. Your mother could play, I couldn't play. Trouble with
your mother was she kept getting traded all the time.
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Oscar Madison: I know I haven't been there a lot for you, Brucey, but this
is the best advice I'll ever give you, not getting married today is the
right thing for you to do.
Brucey Madison: Maybe it's right for you, it's wrong for me! You tell
everybody I'm getting dressed.
Oscar Madison: Thank God you said that. I wasn't sure how long I could keep
on talking like an asshole.
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Oscar Madison: Nothing has changed, Felix. I'm still a pig, you're still a
human vacuum cleaner.
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[last lines]
Oscar Madison: This is the biggest, goddamnest deja vu anybody has ever had.
Can we please play cards here, for crying out loud?
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Felix Ungar: We'd better call Budget and have them fax us another car.
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Felix Ungar: If we go down, you go down with us!
Oscar Madison: Who are you, Dirty Harry?
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Felix Ungar: Better pull off the freeway, Oscar, I have to eat. I have a low
sugar condition, I have to eat every four hours.
Oscar Madison: Why the hell didn't you eat when we were back at El Pollo
Felix Ungar: Because it wasn't time to eat yet, it was time to pee. Sheesh!
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Oscar Madison: Hello there. What do you want?
Little Boy: Five dollars.
Oscar Madison: Why should I give you five dollars?
Little Boy: Your friend said you would for telling you that he's locked in
the bathroom.
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Felix Ungar: Maybe we can stop somewhere and get a pair of crutches.
Oscar Madison: Yeah I'll keep my eye open for crutch stores, I'm sure there'
s a lot of them on the freeway.
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Oscar Madison: Tell me when it hurts.
Felix Ungar: It hurts!
Oscar Madison: I got an idea, don't tell me when it hurts cause it's gonna
hurt anyway. Okay here we go, one, two three.
Felix Ungar: [Slides into the car] Aaaaaahh! Ooh! Oh! Oh!
Oscar Madison: I liked 'it hurts' better.
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Felix Ungar: What freeway are we supposed to be on?
Oscar Madison: The 405.
Felix Ungar: I think that sign back there said 101.
Oscar Madison: If you didn't have the brains to pee back at the airport, how
could you possibly read that sign?
Felix Ungar: Reading and peeing are two different things!
Oscar Madison: At your age you're lucky you can do either one.
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Felix Ungar: [in a wheelchair, Oscar is pushing] We haven't even said hello
yet and already I've got a sprained ankle. Let me know when we come to a
[They roll over a bump]
Felix Ungar: Ow!
Oscar Madison: That's one.
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Oscar Madison: Don't you take them with water?
Felix Ungar: The local water?
[Very loudly]
Felix Ungar: Don't you know how many pesticides there are in the local water?
Oscar Madison: Lower your voice, will you? People in here don't know they're
gonna be dead in a week.
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Oscar Madison: Okay what do you wanna talk to me about?
Felix Ungar: Wait until the seat belt light is off.
Oscar Madison: You can't talk with your seat belt on? Is that some new
federal law?
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Abe: He just missed someone in crowd!
Oscar Madison: What crowd? We could all go home in one car.
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Sheriff: I hope you won't be offended by my saying I hope to God I never see
either of you two again.
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Felix Ungar: You just have to help me figure out a reason why I should get
up and go sit next to her.
Oscar Madison: How about... ummm... .I don't know. How about, your seat is
Felix Ungar: No, 'cos I'm a bad liar, she'll know I'm lying.
Oscar Madison: How about if I break your seat?
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[In the middle of the desert]
Oscar Madison: Look instead of complaining, why don't you look around for a
Felix Ungar: What the hell makes you think there'd be a telephone anywhere
out here? This is probably where they test those nuclear bombs.
Oscar Madison: Well they would have to call somebody to find out if they
went off wouldn't they?
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Sheriff: So the man is dead, and you have his wallet, riding in an antique
car that's worth over $150,000. How do you think this looks?
Oscar Madison: To you it looks terrible. My mother, she wouldn't be all that
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Brucey Madison: You thinking about moving out here, Pop?
Oscar Madison: To where? Santa Yosinta-Malienta-Poliguenta? I'm not gonna
learn another language just to find my way home at night.
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Felix Ungar: Never count me out until the fat lady divorces me!
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Felix Ungar: I hate mess and I hate disorder. I went to a hypnotist to try
and cure me.
Oscar Madison: Didn't work, huh?
Felix Ungar: Na, he was late. I straightened up his office and left.
[in the desert]
Oscar Madison: I think I figured out where we are.
Felix Ungar: Where?
Oscar Madison: In a Clint Eastwood movie.
[In the desert]
Oscar Madison: I think I just seen Omar Sharif on a camel.
Felice: We have so much in common, did you know the first four letters of
our names are the same?
Felix Ungar: Now that you mention it, yeah, we do.
Oscar Madison: You know, neither of you wear glasses either?
Felix Ungar: I'm not going back with you, Oscar, I'm moving in with Lise for
a few days.
Oscar Madison: Lise?
Felix Ungar: Felise, she likes it when I call her that.
Oscar Madison: What does she call you, Lix?
Felix Ungar: Anyway, I'm moving to San Fran with her.
Oscar Madison: Lise? Lix? San Fran? What the hell is going on?
Oscar Madison: If anyone gets tough, just show them your underwear.

【在 K****N 的大作中提到】
: 笑死我了,哈哈哈哈
: The odd couples 2 和Planes, Trains & Automobiles。
: Memorable quotes for
: The Odd Couple II (1998)
: http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0120773/quotes
: Felix Ungar: [waking up in the car] How long was I asleep?
: Oscar Madison: [driving] I don't know. I didn't know you wanted me to time
: it.
: Share this quote
: Sheriff: Okay, now explain to me one more time how the rental car caught


【在 l****i 的大作中提到】
: 不好看就找你算账
那个人在囧途 是不是就是模仿那个火车轮船的啊

【在 K****N 的大作中提到】
: 不是文艺片了。
: 那两个老头太搞,太可爱了。


【在 l****i 的大作中提到】
: 不好看就找你算账
没关系 你可以demark 然后remark 哈哈

【在 wh 的大作中提到】
: 我想mark的!抢了我!

【在 l****i 的大作中提到】
: 没关系 你可以demark 然后remark 哈哈
觉得很像。 两个电影都是发生在旅途上的。 odd couple是两老头参见儿女婚礼。 飞
机火车是感恩节回家, 飞机不能在这价格着陆。
你喜欢人在囧途, 一定会喜欢的。

【在 l****i 的大作中提到】
: 那个人在囧途 是不是就是模仿那个火车轮船的啊
觉得很像。 两个电影都是发生在旅途上的。 odd couple是两老头参见儿女婚礼。 飞
机火车是感恩节回家, 飞机不能在这价格着陆。
你喜欢人在囧途, 一定会喜欢的。

【在 l****i 的大作中提到】
: 那个人在囧途 是不是就是模仿那个火车轮船的啊

【在 wh 的大作中提到】
: 我想mark的!抢了我!

【在 K****N 的大作中提到】
: 那你在给发个包子倍


【在 wh 的大作中提到】
: 一个萝卜一个坑,你已经是乐子的了……
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