Billy Corgan talking about Kurt Cobain
Billy Corgan talking about Kurt Cobain# LeisureTime - 读书听歌看电影
Life was very different in the early Nineties, the last gasp to date of
American rock as a generationally binding, transformative force. Corgan,
whose on-off (now very off) relationship with Courtney Love preceded Kurt
Cobain’s, was there for all grunge’s grubby glory years, which Cobain’s
1994 suicide ended. Pearl Jam’s Eddie Vedder once told me he felt survivor
’s guilt afterwards.
“That would be Eddie Vedder,” Corgan snorts. “Somehow he makes it about
him even when it’s about somebody else! I had a much more personal
perspective, because I’d been in contact with Courtney through a lot of the
setting up of that period, and afterwards. I found it devastating because,
whether we wanted to admit it or not, he was quarterback of the football
team, leading the aesthetic and integrity charge. He knew how to navigate
those things.
“Now, he and I didn’t necessarily get along. But I like to sing his
praises, because he really was that talented. I like to think the world with
him would have been a better place, and I like to think a lot of the crap
music that followed wouldn’t have existed if he had been around to
criticise it. Because he had the moral standing to slay generations with a
strike of the pen.” Although they didn’t get on, did Corgan, then, look up
to Cobain?
“No. In the purest sense of the word, we were competitors. He and I were
the top two scribes, and everybody else was a distant third.”
“ I like to think a lot of the crap
music that followed wouldn’t have existed if he had been around to
criticise it”
right on! billy! that includes your shit in the new century as well!

【在 l*y 的大作中提到】
: “ I like to think a lot of the crap
: music that followed wouldn’t have existed if he had been around to
: criticise it”
: right on! billy! that includes your shit in the new century as well!
