工作午休,来杯红酒# LeisureTime - 读书听歌看电影
Need to Get Some Real Work Done? Have a Glass of Wine at Lunch
August 18, 2016 / Written by Adam Rapoport
Okay, so this might not make a ton of sense, but whenever I need to get some
real work done, I go out to lunch. And then I order myself a drink.
Hear me out.
Do you work in an office? If so, you know that nothing genuinely creative
gets accomplished in one. An office is a minefield of meandering meetings
and pop-up calendar invites.
But a restaurant? At lunch? All by myself? That sparks me to life.
Restaurants—the good ones, at least—remind you to live a little. Which is
what I try to do in this letter each issue.
So one day every month, I clear a few hours off my schedule. Then I escape
the construction and congestion of the World Trade Center, and I hop the
subway to the West Village. You know, where HBO and Ryan Reynolds rom-coms
film the leafy side streets and townhouses that only hedge-fund kingpins can
afford. My go-to is Buvette, the preposterously charming café that makes
you feel like you’re in Paris, except that the energy and bustle and banter
of regulars remind you that you can only be in New York City.
I wedge into a seat at the always-full marble-topped bar and my work-bound
chest begins to untighten. Maybe it’s the glass of Sancerre that the
bartender talks me into (not much convincing needed). Or maybe it’s the
fact that I’m debating between a roast chicken salad with a mustardy
vinaigrette or a cloud of custardy scrambled eggs, a pile of shaved
prosciutto, and a slice of olive oil–slicked charred country bread.
You’re probably thinking at this point: “Well, you’re a food editor! It’
s your job to go out to eat!” Except, not really. Andrew Knowlton and Julia
Kramer, who architected this year’s Hot 10, suss out the best new
restaurants in the country—that’s their job. Mine is to come to the office
, manage that day’s crisis, and fidget my way through way too many meetings
. (Perhaps you can relate.)
Bailing on it all for a solo lunch is incredibly freeing. All I take with me
is my iPhone, my thoughts, and an appetite. The glass of wine eases me into
the process, and the kinetic buzz of the space (what some non–New Yorkers
might just call really, really crowded) snaps me into gear.
And then I start tapping away on my phone, writing the letter you’re
reading. All the while a waiter is checking in on me—making sure I’ve got
enough of this or another glass of that. That’s when I realize I’m in a
much better place, figuratively and literally. Because a restaurant’s job
is not only to feed you but to transport you. That’s something that anyone
who labors his or her day away in an office can appreciate.
So even if you don’t have an editor’s letter to write this month, do
yourself a favor—escape. Treat yourself to lunch and a glass of wine. Right
smack in the middle of the workday, exactly when you need a restaurant the
An office is a minefield of meandering meetings and pop-up calendar invites.
...that's their job. Mine is to come to the office, manage that day’s
crisis, and fidget my way through way too many meetings.
Because a restaurant's job is not only to feed you but to transport you.
That's something that anyone who labors his or her day away in an office can
...do yourself a favor—escape. Treat yourself to lunch and a glass of wine.
Right smack in the middle of the workday, exactly when you need a
restaurant the most.


【在 wh 的大作中提到】
: 写得挺好玩的,给上班族看,尤其在纽约的:
: http://www.bonappetit.com/columns/letter-from-the-editor-columns/article/lunch-glass-of-wine?mbid=nl_001_08182016_Daily&CNDID=18467019&spMailingID=13323240&spUserID=MTM3ODI5NjcwMzIxS0&spJobID=803557226&spReportId=ODAzNTU3MjI2S0
: Need to Get Some Real Work Done? Have a Glass of Wine at Lunch
: August 18, 2016 / Written by Adam Rapoport
: Okay, so this might not make a ton of sense, but whenever I need to get some
: real work done, I go out to lunch. And then I order myself a drink.
: Hear me out.
: Do you work in an office? If so, you know that nothing genuinely creative
: gets accomplished in one. An office is a minefield of meandering meetings
: and pop-up calendar invites.

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