The two discussed a number of books that have stuck with Obama, including
Cixin Liu’s The Three-Body Problem (translated by Ken Liu), and the
transporting power of reading:
And then there’s been the occasion where I just want to get out of my own
head. [Laughter] Sometimes you read fiction just because you want to be
someplace else.
What are some of those books?
It’s interesting, the stuff I read just to escape ends up being a mix of
things — some science fiction. For a while, there was a three-volume
science-fiction novel, the “Three-Body Problem” series —
Oh, Liu Cixin, who won the Hugo Award.
— which was just wildly imaginative, really interesting. It wasn’t so much
sort of character studies as it was just this sweeping —
It’s really about the fate of the universe.
Exactly. The scope of it was immense. So that was fun to read, partly
because my day-to-day problems with Congress seem fairly petty — not
something to worry about. Aliens are about to invade. [Laughter]
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