1 楼
这2天热闹着呢, 中南大学任命了个22岁的教授, 媒体说是小陈景润. 今天开始XYS有人
质疑他的文章是否发表. 我就顺着看了看. 他的主要成果就是解决了西塔潘猜想, 据说
论文被某'权威杂志'录用, 这杂志也许出版周期长吧, 不过影响因子只有0.
63(2009年), 我怀疑是否权威了. 录用他文章的编辑是芝大的, 应该是很严肃的.
要说的不是这个本科生. 而是这个西塔潘. 这人从博士到博士后都是名校. 随后在瑞银
和高盛工作过. 有趣的是, Seetapun made a reputation for himself managing a
trading venture with mathematical models, and has been cited as "Goldman's
top London proprietary options trader".He left Goldman in March 1998, when
he was rehired by Credit Suisse. In 1998 his models started to fail causing
a loss of some 100 million dollars of his own funds as well as for the firm.
He was dismissed and went first to Las Vegas to live as a gambler and later
to Florida to work in the swordfish fishing fleet. In 2006 he won the "
Golden Fly Tarpon Tournament" in fly fishing at Islamorada, Florida.
对刘同学解决的问题有兴趣的可以看这里, 关于着色问题的:
质疑他的文章是否发表. 我就顺着看了看. 他的主要成果就是解决了西塔潘猜想, 据说
论文被某'权威杂志'录用, 这杂志也许出版周期长吧, 不过影响因子只有0.
63(2009年), 我怀疑是否权威了. 录用他文章的编辑是芝大的, 应该是很严肃的.
要说的不是这个本科生. 而是这个西塔潘. 这人从博士到博士后都是名校. 随后在瑞银
和高盛工作过. 有趣的是, Seetapun made a reputation for himself managing a
trading venture with mathematical models, and has been cited as "Goldman's
top London proprietary options trader".He left Goldman in March 1998, when
he was rehired by Credit Suisse. In 1998 his models started to fail causing
a loss of some 100 million dollars of his own funds as well as for the firm.
He was dismissed and went first to Las Vegas to live as a gambler and later
to Florida to work in the swordfish fishing fleet. In 2006 he won the "
Golden Fly Tarpon Tournament" in fly fishing at Islamorada, Florida.
对刘同学解决的问题有兴趣的可以看这里, 关于着色问题的: