1st Meaningful Rate Deline in Weeks 02/22/11 (转载)
1st Meaningful Rate Deline in Weeks 02/22/11 (转载)# Living
【 以下文字转载自 charles 俱乐部 】
发信人: hkmbb (hkmbb), 信区: charles
标 题: 1st Meaningful Rate Deline in Weeks 02/22/11
关键字: SFR,real estate,mortgage,loan,interest
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Feb 22 14:09:10 2011, 美东)
main reasons for the drop are:
1. tension in Middle East--it's been brewing for months since the unrest
started in Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, etc. as it spreads over to other nations
, including major "oil-producing" country like Libya, ppl start to hedge
themselves by taking profits off table in the equity markets around the
globe. if situations don't contain themselves, oil supply & transportation
get affected, stock markets could turn for the worse. btw, equity markets
are always in competition w/ bond markets for "capital";
2. flight to safety--as uncertainties continue to mount over mid-East,
investors pull money out of equity (namely stocks) and put into bonds. more
demand means higher bond price & lower yield or interest rate;
3. housing price declined in Dec '10--data indicates continue weakness in
housing markets. this unfortunately is good news for bond markets. the Fed
has another reason not to raise short term interest rates any time soon.