2 楼
3 楼
4 楼
8 楼
i would not bother. First, having an ugly hole in every room is a big turn
but the worse part is if the system was not installed correctly or the pipe
inside of the wall develops a crack, it would be very difficult to fix...
stay away from central vac.
【在 c*l 的大作中提到】
: 在纠结新房要不要中央吸尘,要的话两千刀。关键是不知道这东西会不会被roomba替代
: 成为摆设?有经验的说说?
but the worse part is if the system was not installed correctly or the pipe
inside of the wall develops a crack, it would be very difficult to fix...
stay away from central vac.
【在 c*l 的大作中提到】
: 在纠结新房要不要中央吸尘,要的话两千刀。关键是不知道这东西会不会被roomba替代
: 成为摆设?有经验的说说?
10 楼
you just had a bad contractor, that's all. the outlets are not meant to be
again, it is a contractor's problem, not central vac's.
【在 j***k 的大作中提到】
: i would not bother. First, having an ugly hole in every room is a big turn
: off...
: but the worse part is if the system was not installed correctly or the pipe
: inside of the wall develops a crack, it would be very difficult to fix...
: stay away from central vac.
11 楼
【在 j***k 的大作中提到】
: i would not bother. First, having an ugly hole in every room is a big turn
: off...
: but the worse part is if the system was not installed correctly or the pipe
: inside of the wall develops a crack, it would be very difficult to fix...
: stay away from central vac.
【在 j***k 的大作中提到】
: i would not bother. First, having an ugly hole in every room is a big turn
: off...
: but the worse part is if the system was not installed correctly or the pipe
: inside of the wall develops a crack, it would be very difficult to fix...
: stay away from central vac.
13 楼
【在 F***Q 的大作中提到】
: 单从吸力和功率上两个就差一个数量级。central vac的容量、灵活程度、配件的多样
: 性,也是roomba不能比的。
: 除非你的屋子全是木板平地,roomba或许可以省些力气,但如果上下几层,或者地板与
: 地坛之间有边界,roomba就搞不定了。除roomba之外,你还得另外搞一个portable vac
: 来吸桌面、沙发、窗台 等上面的灰尘。用central vacuum一个就搞定了,你只用拿一
: 根吸管就可以了。
: 利用central vac的强劲功率,你可以再买一个power brush,吸地毯极其干净。
【在 F***Q 的大作中提到】
: 单从吸力和功率上两个就差一个数量级。central vac的容量、灵活程度、配件的多样
: 性,也是roomba不能比的。
: 除非你的屋子全是木板平地,roomba或许可以省些力气,但如果上下几层,或者地板与
: 地坛之间有边界,roomba就搞不定了。除roomba之外,你还得另外搞一个portable vac
: 来吸桌面、沙发、窗台 等上面的灰尘。用central vacuum一个就搞定了,你只用拿一
: 根吸管就可以了。
: 利用central vac的强劲功率,你可以再买一个power brush,吸地毯极其干净。
14 楼
墙里的管道怎么清洁啊? 会不会发霉什么的。。。?
墙里的管道怎么清洁啊? 会不会发霉什么的。。。?
20 楼
唯一一个我认为算是一个缺陷是噪音高了一点。不过central station安装在地下室,
现在比较新的型号(我的是一个早期的GA-100)claim quite operation:
【在 c*l 的大作中提到】
: 多谢!系统维护上有没有问题?比如楼上说的管子裂之类?
: vac
22 楼
it could be a contractor problem... but its difficult to ensure the
quality of the install..
We just have 3 Miele Canister Vacuums, one for each floor. they are
powerful, quiet, and easy to take care of.
No way I would want a tube with dirt and hairs inside of my wall..
A lot of home buyers would avoid central vac at all costs...
it was a popular thing in 1970s and 1980s.. but since then no one really
care for for it...
to be
【在 F***Q 的大作中提到】
: 目前吸的最多的就是头发(占60%以上)。
quality of the install..
We just have 3 Miele Canister Vacuums, one for each floor. they are
powerful, quiet, and easy to take care of.
No way I would want a tube with dirt and hairs inside of my wall..
A lot of home buyers would avoid central vac at all costs...
it was a popular thing in 1970s and 1980s.. but since then no one really
care for for it...
to be
【在 F***Q 的大作中提到】
: 目前吸的最多的就是头发(占60%以上)。
23 楼
The damage to the tube could come mostly from someone unknowingly put a
nail on the wall to hang photos or something similar.. you have no idea
where the tube travels.. Once you notice that the tube is losing pressure,
the dust would have been blown to your wall cavity already and it would be
a nightmare to figure out there the leak is. Why would you wanna a time
bomb in the house?
having an outlet inside one's room is also very ugly.. especially the
outlet leads to dirt and dust..
【在 c*l 的大作中提到】
: 墙里的管子坏过吗?怎么造成的?
: pipe
nail on the wall to hang photos or something similar.. you have no idea
where the tube travels.. Once you notice that the tube is losing pressure,
the dust would have been blown to your wall cavity already and it would be
a nightmare to figure out there the leak is. Why would you wanna a time
bomb in the house?
having an outlet inside one's room is also very ugly.. especially the
outlet leads to dirt and dust..
【在 c*l 的大作中提到】
: 墙里的管子坏过吗?怎么造成的?
: pipe
25 楼
我用過中央吸尘許多年, 正常的時候吸力確實是很強, 可是後來發現連顆小米也吸不動
了. 根本不知道哪裡出問題, 紙袋是新的, 管道藏在墻裡也不知是哪裡阻塞, 廠商建
議換馬達, 馬達要八九百, 還不一定能解決........ 後來就算了不修了.
如今覺得中吸是雞肋, 還不如一個$100的吸塵器經濟耐用.
免費送就要, 加錢我還嫌管子重, 呵呵.
了. 根本不知道哪裡出問題, 紙袋是新的, 管道藏在墻裡也不知是哪裡阻塞, 廠商建
議換馬達, 馬達要八九百, 還不一定能解決........ 後來就算了不修了.
如今覺得中吸是雞肋, 還不如一個$100的吸塵器經濟耐用.
免費送就要, 加錢我還嫌管子重, 呵呵.
26 楼
should't people nail something into a stud? Most of the inlets/pipes are
close to the floor. In my case, 80% of the pipes are installed along the
ceiling in an unfinished basement. I don't see any reason to damage the
pipes, unless you have a sunken foundation or fallen wall. In those cases,
you have bigger things to worry.
imagine a second that your carry-on vacuum recirculates the dirty air back
to your room ... oh, wait a second, your carry-on vacuum's pipes also lead
to dirt and dust, and way closer ...
【在 j***k 的大作中提到】
: The damage to the tube could come mostly from someone unknowingly put a
: nail on the wall to hang photos or something similar.. you have no idea
: where the tube travels.. Once you notice that the tube is losing pressure,
: the dust would have been blown to your wall cavity already and it would be
: a nightmare to figure out there the leak is. Why would you wanna a time
: bomb in the house?
: having an outlet inside one's room is also very ugly.. especially the
: outlet leads to dirt and dust..
27 楼
you have 3 dirty bags/filters to clean regularly, and those take 3x of the
space, not mention the dirty air recirculates back to your living space ...
your vacuums also sounds expensive too
Believe it or not, in the appraisal of the house, the central vac was
counted as a plus. The inspector also told us it is a nice addition. Not
just that, my wife and I truly love it. We've used hand vacuum for many
【在 j***k 的大作中提到】
: it could be a contractor problem... but its difficult to ensure the
: quality of the install..
: We just have 3 Miele Canister Vacuums, one for each floor. they are
: powerful, quiet, and easy to take care of.
: No way I would want a tube with dirt and hairs inside of my wall..
: A lot of home buyers would avoid central vac at all costs...
: it was a popular thing in 1970s and 1980s.. but since then no one really
: care for for it...
: to be
28 楼
我承认一套新的系统是个plus, 不过万一出了点什么问题的话就是大大的minus了啊。
【在 F***Q 的大作中提到】
: you have 3 dirty bags/filters to clean regularly, and those take 3x of the
: space, not mention the dirty air recirculates back to your living space ...
: your vacuums also sounds expensive too
: Believe it or not, in the appraisal of the house, the central vac was
: counted as a plus. The inspector also told us it is a nice addition. Not
: just that, my wife and I truly love it. We've used hand vacuum for many
: years.
【在 F***Q 的大作中提到】
: you have 3 dirty bags/filters to clean regularly, and those take 3x of the
: space, not mention the dirty air recirculates back to your living space ...
: your vacuums also sounds expensive too
: Believe it or not, in the appraisal of the house, the central vac was
: counted as a plus. The inspector also told us it is a nice addition. Not
: just that, my wife and I truly love it. We've used hand vacuum for many
: years.
29 楼
【在 F***Q 的大作中提到】
: you have 3 dirty bags/filters to clean regularly, and those take 3x of the
: space, not mention the dirty air recirculates back to your living space ...
: your vacuums also sounds expensive too
: Believe it or not, in the appraisal of the house, the central vac was
: counted as a plus. The inspector also told us it is a nice addition. Not
: just that, my wife and I truly love it. We've used hand vacuum for many
: years.
【在 F***Q 的大作中提到】
: you have 3 dirty bags/filters to clean regularly, and those take 3x of the
: space, not mention the dirty air recirculates back to your living space ...
: your vacuums also sounds expensive too
: Believe it or not, in the appraisal of the house, the central vac was
: counted as a plus. The inspector also told us it is a nice addition. Not
: just that, my wife and I truly love it. We've used hand vacuum for many
: years.
35 楼
37 楼
【在 F***Q 的大作中提到】
: 以你这么强大的动手能力,我觉得换个管子应该不再话下的 :)
: 不过我怎么也感觉不到这些pvc管子藏在人接触不到的地方会坏,除非地震
【在 F***Q 的大作中提到】
: 以你这么强大的动手能力,我觉得换个管子应该不再话下的 :)
: 不过我怎么也感觉不到这些pvc管子藏在人接触不到的地方会坏,除非地震
41 楼
【在 j***k 的大作中提到】
: 每个人情况不一样,有人动手能力强,喜欢修理,觉得是乐趣。
: 中央吸尘最大的问题就是修理起来太困难。前面说过,万一在墙上达钉子,不小心在管
: 子上打出一个洞,灰尘就会吸到墙里去,外面看不出来,排察非常困难。
: 同样的,万一不小心,让吸进去一个小玩具把管子给堵住,拿出来更不容易。根本不知
: 道是堵在哪里。
: 这些事情是不会每天都发生,但是在一个HOUSE里面住几年的话,发生的机会几乎是1
: 00%。有经历一次这样的事,我估计就没有人喜欢中央吸尘了。当然如果这种事在你
: 生上还没有发生过,泥会觉得中央吸尘很好。
: 另外就是很多时候每个房间的吸头只有一个,还是需要一根很长很重的管子,一点都不
: 比拖个正常的吸尘省力。
【在 j***k 的大作中提到】
: 每个人情况不一样,有人动手能力强,喜欢修理,觉得是乐趣。
: 中央吸尘最大的问题就是修理起来太困难。前面说过,万一在墙上达钉子,不小心在管
: 子上打出一个洞,灰尘就会吸到墙里去,外面看不出来,排察非常困难。
: 同样的,万一不小心,让吸进去一个小玩具把管子给堵住,拿出来更不容易。根本不知
: 道是堵在哪里。
: 这些事情是不会每天都发生,但是在一个HOUSE里面住几年的话,发生的机会几乎是1
: 00%。有经历一次这样的事,我估计就没有人喜欢中央吸尘了。当然如果这种事在你
: 生上还没有发生过,泥会觉得中央吸尘很好。
: 另外就是很多时候每个房间的吸头只有一个,还是需要一根很长很重的管子,一点都不
: 比拖个正常的吸尘省力。
43 楼
现在用Dyson DC25,吸力强劲,搬家之后估计就只能退役去吸车库了 :)
现在用Dyson DC25,吸力强劲,搬家之后估计就只能退役去吸车库了 :)
46 楼
but you also don't need to die from DWI to know that you should not be
driving while drunk.. just simple logic.. you would be paying an additional
$2K for more troubles down the road...
with the system installed, you still need to carry the tube around to vacuum
the room, only longer tubes. you still need to buy filter and replacing
dust bags.. so what do you really gain?
if you buy a used house that comes with the system, then its fine. You don;t
need to use it. But I doubt anyone would pay extra to get it.
【在 c*l 的大作中提到】
: 您家的坏过吗?
but you also don't need to die from DWI to know that you should not be
driving while drunk.. just simple logic.. you would be paying an additional
$2K for more troubles down the road...
with the system installed, you still need to carry the tube around to vacuum
the room, only longer tubes. you still need to buy filter and replacing
dust bags.. so what do you really gain?
if you buy a used house that comes with the system, then its fine. You don;t
need to use it. But I doubt anyone would pay extra to get it.
【在 c*l 的大作中提到】
: 您家的坏过吗?
47 楼
don't tell you've never used one
read these
【在 j***k 的大作中提到】
: no..
: but you also don't need to die from DWI to know that you should not be
: driving while drunk.. just simple logic.. you would be paying an additional
: $2K for more troubles down the road...
: with the system installed, you still need to carry the tube around to vacuum
: the room, only longer tubes. you still need to buy filter and replacing
: dust bags.. so what do you really gain?
: if you buy a used house that comes with the system, then its fine. You don;t
: need to use it. But I doubt anyone would pay extra to get it.
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