Warren Buffett's Cars and home (转载)
Warren Buffett's Cars and home (转载)# Living
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发信人: feynmanring (O圈), 信区: Automobile
标 题: Warren Buffett's Cars and home
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Jun 17 03:49:32 2012, 美东)
Now I find more info regarding his cars in this new century when he is among
top wealthiest persons already.
He drives himself to work every day. From 2000 to 2006, his ride was a
Lincoln Town Car from Ford Motor. It costs ~$40,000 and is as common as a
taxi in Queens and the Bronx.
But in mid-2006, Buffett showed support for financially troubled General
Motors by purchasing a Caddy $42K GTS.
This society is full of WSN in all life walk, they must all drop their chin
when they heard this story.
By the way I have visited his home town and parked my car in the curb next
to his quite modest home.
He bought it in 1958 for $31,500. This is an old Tudor style home that you
could walk right up to. Seriously, there's not even a fence around his front
yard. It's a corner house on a fairly busy street in Omaha. Only special
may be an extra traffic sign, no a guard, not single "保安".
I called him a terrific capitalist with deep consciousness and big heart.